I heard some news today they say I am soon going to go to puppy training school, surely I am too young to be sent off to school. Will it be lots of work and homework I bet. Help! I will report here what happens.
Today I found another new supply of things to nick - pens, only problems was they soon found out pens were going missing. Funny really because they had started putting them up on the bookcase, ha ha, found them, nothing stops me. But what really bothered me was the way they knew instantly it was me and where to look. Have to find another new area for my stash!
I became a guard puppy dog today, there were some children at the back of our garden, I could hear them, not see them when suddenly one of them jumps very high to try to see the puppy (that's me), as I saw him I barked very loudly, well it made me jump and I raced into the house, actually I was a little bit scared (don't tell them) but they praised me so I felt so grown up and important. Is this my role to be a guard puppy dog. Then I will guard my fence, be warned!
But why don't they like me jumping up, every time I do I get told Get Down. I'm only a little puppy of course I want to be bigger.
I wonder how long it takes a puppy to grow, I'm getting a little tired of being so small. When I meet new friends out on my walks they always seem so much bigger than me and some get quite excited and then I get knocked over. Oh this morning's walk was lovely through the long grass, I love to run and let the grass tickle my nose, its very funny, then I somersault through the buttercups and end up tangled in my lead! Life is good. Must snooze..............
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