Hi everyone, super puppy here, why does it always seem my puppy walks and my pictures are of muddy me? Yes had lots of fun this morning, they thought we were walking where every puddle had dried up but no, super big black dog found us a nice mud-filled hole.
When they saw me, I put on my I'll run through the long damp grass, it will clean off. Well most of it did!
On the way home, we had to sit in the car while they ran into the shop. Now we have this car where the big black dog & little puppy me sit in the back, then if they go shopping the bags go on the back seat. Very handy just below my nose. I always check the bags out when they load the car and always they say don't touch. What on earth does that mean to me, absolutely NOTHING!
All this time I have checked the shopping never found anything except tins, cans and boxes, today I think it was lucky puppy day.
We set off from the supermarket and called in for petrol, I never understand that, they always say, got to buy some petrol. They stick this pipe into the side of the car, I always check it out, nothing ever comes into the car. They go to pay, but have no shopping, what on earth do they think they are buying?
However today as soon as they disappeared my nose was back to the shopping bag, I could smell something. Wow. Puppy teeth soon found a way through the simple plastic box, inside heaven. Sugar, Jammy/Jelly stuff, round doughy ring things, delicious. I couldn't help myself I just pigged the lot. The big black dog just sat there, although her face said, I'd like one, she threw me this look that said, there will be trouble idiot puppy. She always calls me that. Twit!
But they came back to the car, didn't notice a thing and we drove home, I looked at the big black dog and in my puppy way I smiled smugly!
Home, went into the garden with my after walk puppy biscuits, tummy feeling quite nicely full. I thought time for a puppy nap. Wrong. My name again, scream from the house, oops they found the shopping bags. Always they assume it was me, could have been the man at the petrol station next to us, he could have put his hand through the window they leave open for us, he could have nicked them, well okay he didn't, but he could have. They just always blame me, if only I could present my case in court. I know I know,you're saying how does a little puppy know such things, well I have been watching these court drama's on TV, you pick up things you know. I'm always guilty until proven guilty er!
They said no lunch for me, No way, I'm hungry.......... I'm hungry.............I'm hungry.............I'm hungry...........
I go into the kitchen hope they have cooled down a little, give them my best puppy face, gently rub against their legs and sit appealingly. Yes it worked, lunch time. Yippee. They love me.
I'll try to be good this afternoon.
Had a nice lunch, then things went wrong again, went outside for a drink of water, sometimes I just can't help myself. Trouble just follows this little puppy around, I needed a bigger drink and when I feel like that I sort of tip over the water bowl. Water all over the patio stones, before they see it I try so hard to clean up all the spillage, bother got caught!
Oh they hate me, I know they love me, no they hate me, they love me, no they hate me. I'm so stupid!
Perhaps tomorrow I can be good.
See you then............
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