Monday, 21 May 2007

Puppies Favorite - Mud

Sorry for the blur, I moved!
This has to be every puppies dream, wallowing in mud, it rained last night so I had a lovely morning puppy walk. My family wasn't too keen, when we got back to the car they put a sheet around me to lift me in but apparently the wet liquid still seeped through. Oops!
At least I tried hard not to eat the car today, well they keep shouting at me as they drive along.
I heard that talking on the phone while driving is banned, believe me so should shouting at puppies as you drive along! And it's always so hard to take a puppy nap when they keep going on about something or other.
But the problem with everything wonderful is that there is always a downside - we got home, they let me into the garden and then gave me a BATH!
They say it's a dog shampoo but I'm sure it's for smelly ladies, I pong now! No respecting puppy friend is going to want to sniff me, just hope and pray this stink has gone by the morning, I'm not going out smelling like old ladies flowers tomorrow.
We had visitors to the house today, must have been important or horrible people because for some reason they didn't want me around and put me in the dining room. Now of all the boring rooms in the house, this one tops the list. After yesterday's paint fiasco the room is quite empty, few sheets around, no white sticky paint today! I sniffed all the walls, nothing interesting there, so decided to take a puppy nap on the sheets, gotta sit somewhere!
They left me for a while, I can only sleep for so long. When I woke I scratched at the door but nobody came to let me out, hey I need the garden, I barked, but no-one came. Now don't blame me but I got a little desperate, like all puppies can when left alone, I had no choice but to dampen one of the sheets just a little, well a small lot actually!
Feeling bored I found I could put my paws up on the window sill and look out of the window, only problem nothing to see, just the drive and a couple of cars, Great! I turned round and saw the old fireplace, usually there's a barrier/guard thing in front, but it was open.
I walked inside the base, I don't know what this old thing was ever used for, my family seems to just use it for putting pictures on the top. It's a bit smelly, but still better than my flowery puppy stink! I tried to turn round in there but the hole is quite small, so I had to wriggle to get free.
Nothing is really exciting me today, strange how days can be so wonderful when you go out and then you never know what to do with the rest of your time, I decided to rest a while and sat down. I looked at my puppy paw, then looked again, why is it black? Trying to turn my head I think a little bit of my back is black too. Can't have rubbed off the big black dog she's not in here with me.
I heard the visitor leave and jumped up, there was a gasp as they opened the door for me. From what they said I looked quite a sight, half covered in old soot, what's soot?
This just isn't my day, I had a second BATH. No No No it can't be happening to me!
Tomorrow I promise I have to go back to the mud, no I don't want another Bath, I just want to get rid of this smell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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