I hope you all have good eyesight & not like me! This photo should be enlarged - The brown splodge behind me on the path is, they tell me, a deer. Well I never saw it, perhaps the farmer should mow his lawn, the grass is getting just a little bit too big for a little puppy like me to see anything.
We have the deer in other photo's but now I'm in trouble for not being in any of them, told you before I just can't win!
But we had a lovely puppy walk over the fields and far away, I was born to run, my problem now is the stream has nearly dried up, where will I get my daily dip?
Off home and I just took a wonderful puppy nap in the garden, lazing in the sun, what a great life! I'm even feeling too lethargic to chew, bite, chase, steal, eat, do anything wrong.
WAIT! wake up, you are letting the side down, what would other puppies say. Puppies Rule. What was I thinking, time for action!
I trotted off to the house, what are they doing? There's a very strange smell coming from the dining room. That surely can't be food, Yuk! Everything is covered with white sheets, I take a peep under the table, it's like a little puppies tent, looks fun. Oh they saw me, I have to get out. It looks like someone stole the stairs and put them in here, but I don't think I can climb those steps, my puppy feet will fall through the gaps.
There's this large tray with some white liquid stuff in it, looks like milk, I sniff. I don't like milk but this doesn't smell like milk, I'll just take a little sip. Aargh!! Not nice. Why is everybody now shouting and laughing at me at the same time?
Something about paint, what's paint? Oh stop trying to clean me, always you are trying to keep me clean. I'm a puppy dog I'm supposed to get dirty sometimes. Then I made the classic big mistake I took a step backwards away from their towel, my foot went into the tray, up went the end and the white stuff spilled out.
How many times in a day can they shout my name, but it was their fault. Now they are using some very smelly stuff to get my foot clean. I am not a happy puppy.
I stink, I go off to the garden, perhaps if I roll in a flower bed, some dirt with get rid of the smell. It didn't and all it did was made one leg dark brown, oh this day just gets worse and worse and it all started so well.
I returned to the house, this time the dining room was closed, well why didn't they do that in the first place.
No-one in the lounge, think I'll take a little puppy nap on the couch, far more comfortable than the garden, must soon be dinner time I'll dream of that.
I'm quite tired after my day, I'll see you tomorrow Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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