Mow your lawn!
Thank goodness I don't live with a Chihuahua, we would never have come out of that field alive.
Despite not seeing where I was going we had a lovely puppy walk, I kept myself beautifully clean (well boring, no puddles today!)
Went straight home. After taking a short puppy nap, I discovered something wonderful. It was car wash day. Yippee!
And I was allowed to help, well not help wash actually, but they didn't stop me watching and trying to help.
Why is a puppy bath so awful but splashes from the hose in the hot summer sun so funny? The soapy suds don't taste very nice though, I was only trying to help dry up the driveway.
I only got into trouble two times, first one, I found a rag cloth thought it was just an old piece, smelt like leather and I ran off to the back garden with it for playing later. Oops they needed it to wipe the windows, well, soon washed clean again and the new hole will help to drain the water away, makes sense to me.
Then of course you know how puppies love to run about and get excited sometimes, well I ran a little bit too close to the bucket of clean water and over it went. It missed my families feet by inches, that was close. I licked it up, well not quite all, but I tried.
When we had finished and went indoors, they gave me a puppy treat and said that I behaved very well, gosh, didn't notice that coming.
But I spoilt it after lunch someone left some biscuits out on the coffee table, well you know me, I just couldn't help myself. I had to nick one, then the next one and oh the 5 or 6 left all disappeared. Well you wouldn't put a drink in front of an alcoholic would you? So I'm only half to blame and they had finished eating.
Perhaps I should go to Puppies Anonymous instead of training school, which they say starts just over a week away, Help.
Well I think I've been very very good today and with the sun warming me up I think I'll go outside and enjoy a little puppy nap in my favorite corner, see you tomorrow........Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
1 comment:
This photo made me laugh out loud. I have been enjoying the puppy blog so very much. Thank you.
Almost a big dog now...
our best,
Leslie and Deuce
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