Did I fool you, I was such a hungry puppy!
I love to fool people when they come to the house, I leave the bread stick on the floor and several people think it is real, then I pick it up and they believe I have stolen the bread. Ha Ha only my toy.
Everybody in my house had the day off today, something about a bank holiday, what's a bank? But it put everyone in a good mood, they didn't even tell me off that much when I managed to steal and make off with a piece of toast this morning!
They just laughed and called me a cheeky puppy. Good they are finally getting the message.
We had a long run on our puppy walk today, they had this idea to tire me out, didn't work for me, but they complained about feeling tired. On arriving home they had morning coffee and biscuits and gave me one, oh why can't every day be so peaceful and happy for little puppies like me?
However peace didn't last long, I just had to spoil my perfect day.
There were some house jobs to be done and they went out to open the shed up, I love to get into the shed, kind of forbidden territory. Wood planks, ladders, hammers, screws and all sorts of equipment came out, wow all that empty space for me to play, puppy heaven. As always they kept nagging me about being careful. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. I found a plastic flower pot, played for a while but it soon surrendered to me and spilt right down the middle. Back to the hunting ground, sniffed around and found this great large smelly bag full of what looked like black dirt. I started to scratch at it and soon the dirt was flowing out, my nose was covered in this powder, achoo, a large puppy sneeze left me and blew the dust all around the shed. I backed away from the mess, thought it time for a quick retreat. Only problem was I backed into a stacked pile of paint pots, they fell over missing me by only inches, this puppies life was spared by my quick thinking as I ran from the shed. One of the paint pots knocked over a plastic bottle of brush cleaner, this broke and the liquid started to pour all over the floor. Oh Boy, suddenly a chain of events had happened far beyond my control, all I did was to sniff the black dirt, I never caused any of the other trouble. But guess who is going to get the blame. I ran from the shed so fast and flew to the furthest part of the house I could get to.
It seemed like an eternity but it was really only a few seconds before the usual scream came.
I say it every day why am I such a big bad puppy always in such trouble?
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