If I model these puppy boots would I go down the dogwalk?
But if you saw me like this would you tell me off? A poor sweet adorable little puppy like me.All I did was follow the big black dog into the most lovely soft squelching puddle of mud, it was glorious. Next I hear is my name being screamed, why is it only me they are calling. So we both run back, didn't we look good, like the obedient little puppy I am we set off down the path again. However I just couldn't resist one last splash, I ran back to the pool, oh boy puppy heaven. They called, I ignored them. I couldn't decide which they were more cross about, me back in the mud or my not coming back to them. Guess I have to learn my lessons! Ugh who wants to obey? Not going to be much fun!
I tried so hard to run through the long grass and some of it came off, not enough though. When we got back to the car they didn't even want to pick me up to put me in. I began to feel bad.
But we got home and everything seemed back to normal, they gave me my usual biscrok biscuits after my walk, lots of water to drink, I think they have forgiven me, I think they still love me.......No they don't.....what's this....No...not the tub of water and a towel, a bath. They always make me look so baby puppy fluffy and smell really funny. I hate baths.
It's probably pay back for what I did in the night, I had to go outside as usual about 6am, but I couldn't get back to sleep. So I started having a little sniff around, I found this tube thing, smelt interesting and began to chew. I didn't know what was going to happen next, but somehow the tube got stuck on my tooth and by now I had this smelly stuff in my mouth, I've smelt this before I think on my families hands, why they put it there I really don't know. However I had to shake and shake my head to try and release the tube, but the more I shook the more this creamy stuff came out, it went everywhere, over the carpet, up the wall, on the curtains. I got it free but by now I was quite sleepy so I laid down and got back to sleep. When the family woke up they praised me for letting them have a bit longer in bed, I thought gosh I am a good puppy dog. I trotted off up the garden, then the usual sound of my name being screamed again. Must I always be in trouble?
I did my usual came back in the house head lowered with my 'Oh I'm so sorry puppy eyes' was told never to do it again. If only I could talk to them I would tell them I would never do that again it tasted awful. Thinking back it was quite funny though.
So I firmly believe this bath is my pay back, but I usually win when I'm all wet anyway, I like to shake and the bubbles and water goes all over them so who was the bath for in the first place? I do hope we go up there again tomorrow - mud v. bath. Yep I'd do it all again!
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