We had a nice puppy walk today, except I should apologise here for jumping up the nice lady we meet sometimes, I feel guilty for the dirty puppy paws marks I left on her. Sorry.
For the first time today I didn't obey my family when I ran over to meet a new friend, a 5 month old German Shepherd, he looked cool, but wouldn't play. They say school starts in 2 weeks, how is that going to help. I'm scared of school!
We have had some rain and I found the muddy puddles, oops!
I was watched constantly in the back of the car, the hole I made is still there, looks okay I thought.
After lunch we all worked in the garden, I helped. I only tried to chew the handles of the shears when they were cutting the grass edging, would I chew on the blades, silly people of course not, what's a blade, does it hurt?
It was great after they cut the grass because then you could roll about and your puppy coat got covered in grass cuttings, I ran indoors to shake them off! I like going into the shed best, so many interesting items to sniff, I clawed at one bag and this black dirt stuff poured out, it's still there so they haven't seen it yet!
However they found my secret watering hole, I had this flower pot that would fill up with rain, very nice to drink. But the funny part is that later in the evening they have been removing our water bowl, something about didn't want the little puppy, me, to drink very much at night time so I wouldn't puddle all night, but I have been going out there, I'm okay I have my water on hand. Well I get thirsty.
I was in trouble last night I got them up 3 times, the last trip was their fault, fancy trying to have a lie in with me around! Cheek I'm always ready to get up about 5:30, so I'm told. Sun's up I'm awake, why waste the day? So much for a young growing puppy to do.
Well I will have to make it shorter today, apparently we are going off to the park now, yippee, I hope those ducks are on the pond again. I never know which walk is best, the forest in the morning or the park later, no the morning walk is always longer, that's best, but then the park is followed by dinner, oh I'm hungry already, but the forest is followed by lunch, oh I'm confused!
See you tomorrow.................
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