Saturday, 26 May 2007

Tired Puppy

This is one tired little puppy, walks are such fun but maybe sometimes I should slow down a little, you never thought you would ever hear me say that did you?
Hi everyone I've recovered, full of life now!
Although I am a much older puppy now, I've started getting into trouble again at night time.
Now last night we went to the Park, great fun, it was a very warm evening and I got quite hot. When I came home I was so thirsty I needed lots and lots of water to cool me down. Plus my poor little puppy feet were hot, so I did my usual trick of tipping up the water bowl to soak my paws, I also love watching the waterfall as the water trickles down the patio steps.
However the problem was I drank too much water and then I had to ask to go outside about 3 times last night. Well my puppy bladder is not very big!
I know my family was not too impressed at being woken up so many times, but I think what really upset them was the way that, well when I go outside to puddle...I wake up! So can I help it if I want to play in the middle of the night?
They kept shouting at me, 2:15 and you want to play ball? My answer was Yes please.... I was awake, so were they, what's wrong with that?
We played this same game at 4:30 and 6:45, I've discovered no-one loves puppies in the middle of the night! Surely we could have played or got up at one of those times?
But today is a new day, I've been out on a lovely walk, came home and took a nice long puppy nap under the tree in the garden.
I wandered into the house and found everybody was very busy, I tried dropping puppy toys at people's feet, but I think I've become invisible. No one wants to play, even the big black dog is fast asleep and snoring, lazy thing!
On my way back to the garden I picked up the TV guide, never fail to spot that when they leave it on the coffee table. Why I have a fascination for chewing paper I don't know, must be a puppy thing, I never eat it, tastes yucky.
Oh I hate it when no-one plays with me. This is one BORED puppy!
I decided to check out the bathroom, I've found a leak in there which I think is my secret, because whenever I go in, there is always this little puddle of water, I don't think they know the water pipe is leaking so I help by licking up all the water for them and leaving it nice and dry. See I can help my family!
I love the bathroom door it opens with just a little push, oh yes clear up the puddle. I turn round, my my my someone hasn't tidied their things up, clothes all over the floor. Even I know they should be in the basket. Now I try to be a good little puppy and help when ever I can, so I thought every one is very busy so I will tidy up for them. I started moving these clothes around upstairs, put them where ever I could. I had such fun finding places to put everything. Managed to squash socks under beds, a jumper in the bookcase on the landing, put a shirt behind the loo! I thought it looked very tidy. There was one slipper left, I decided that was my reward for all my hard work and went off to the garden to enjoy it and I did, I even managed to half bury it for later in my newly dug hole.
I'm tired now must have a nap. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Oh, they are calling me must be dinner time, I rush to the door, Yes, they found the missing slipper, can I have it please, the look on their faces said NO! Oops......Think it's time to retreat, they will have to catch me first, I run for the kitchen................See you tomorrow........if I'm still here!!................

1 comment:

Leslie Hawes said...

Hello Buffy,
My Mom has added a link to your blog site on my "Dogroll" list on my blog site. Now I can keep up with your puppy tricks and tips very easily.

PS I had my first ever outdoors bath this morning.