Let me tell you a story of my day, it all started at 4am when I had to get the family up so I could go outside. Getting back to sleep for an active puppy like me was completely useless, so I looked at the newspaper they had put down for me to use in the night, why do they bother I never use it prefer to go outside, so I created a bit of origami, only teeth chewing instead of folding, looked good though.
After breakfast I managed to get to the postman first, they don't know it yet but there is still one letter they never got back from me, it's under the stairs, hidden in my puppy blanket, I'll check it out later.
Had a wonderful walk running through all the bluebells, chased a couple of people riding bicycles through the wood, they shouldn't be allowed. I tried to get all the sticks I could off that big black dog, she's an idiot, lets me take them, more fool her.
Found one of the last muddy puddles, my puppy feet are a little sticky, smell good though!
At home I've been busy, I knocked over the biscuit barrel this morning, Goody, I was fast got away with a few.
Stole a slipper, but they noticed it missing tonight, oh dear just a little chewed and a little soggy.
I love to dive down the waste paper bin, they still haven't stopped using it yet, Why? They should know what I'm like, anyway found a sweety wrapper, not much chocolate left on it.
When a man rang the doorbell I managed just to squeeze through and like a flash started to bite the flower heads off in the front garden. Well there aren't any left in the back, what's a puppy to do?
The tissue box has been put up high out of my reach, however the minute someone leaves the loo door open, I'm in, I've discovered the loo roll. That's funnier than the tissue box but I can't get it outside to play properly.
I had a good day for squeaky toys, when the family start shouting at me to stop then I know I've had a good day even if it is noisy in my ears.
And the best trick of the day, getting into the rubbish bin. Not often the top is up, success today, mind you I don't like coffee beans, found a couple of baked beans, they're okay. I just like to eat. Isn't it my dinner time yet? All this talk of food I'm getting hungry, think I'll wander off see what I can find to eat...............
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