Actually it was amazing that they took me on a puppy walk after what I did at breakfast time. Well you see I like to be out in the kitchen with my family, closeness, bonding, love, affection, okay okay I like to be close to the food! But they keep complaining and nagging me that I'm always under their feet, I can't help being a little puppy! Well, what they are always talking about happened, one of them fell over me, oops. I saw him coming and managed to dodge out of the way, oh I'm quick. It was over in a flash and before I knew it there was a body flying about and hurrah, corn flakes. Now I felt sorry for him, he wasn't hurt, just bruised his butt, it was only a little bruise, believe me you don't want to see that picture, not a pretty sight!
The funny thing was I had always wanted to take a bite of corn flakes, they eat these milky things every morning and I've never tasted any of them. So I got quite excited when these flakes were scattered all over the kitchen floor. Faster than a speeding bullet I was in, they don't call me 'the fastest puppy in the west' for nothing. I lapped them up, then yuk! Horrible. Why do you humans touch the stuff, no thanks.
But the damage has been done I have been banished from the kitchen, how are they going to keep me out, the door is never closed and more importantly what about my puppy meals? Do I get to eat dinner in the bathroom?
I thought I'd better hang low for a while and trotted off to the garden, oh I spotted a new plant coming up, where did that come from,.......not there now...... Strange time of year I keep seeing all these new shoots poking their little heads up, like target practice, got 'em! Another one bites the dust!
By the time we got back from our 'clean' walk I was dog-tired. To please them I took a nice long dog-nap. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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