Friday, 25 May 2007

Fields of Puppy

"Daisy, Daisy......" They said I would look puppy cute if I sat in the daisy field, I just have one question, does this grass stuff ever stop growing? I'm a growing puppy and every time I put on a few inches I come into the field and the grass has overtaken me again!
Today I want to say a big puppy hi and thank you to my new friends, DEUCE and Leslie. Just as long as you thought it was the big black dog who looked funny yesterday, mind you it couldn't have been me, you couldn't see me!!
I love to start my day on puppy walks out in the open, but I will admit it here today I get scared sometimes. I'm only little and where we live there are a lot of big silver metal birds that roar around in the sky. They make a lot of noise and as they pass over my head I always stop to watch them, convinced one day they will fall on my little head. Splat! And those flying egg whisk things as well. And we have big noisy steam train engine thingies that fly past me on a puppy walk blowing clouds of black smoke all over the place, when they blow their whistle, oh my spine shivers. But apart from that I'm not scared of anything, I'm tough!
I can even prove that because today after enjoying my lovely puppy meal lunch I was in the garden when I saw this big black plastic bag. My family doesn't usually put anything in this corner of the garden so I wondered what could be inside. Bravely I sniffed it, smelt quite interesting, I started to claw at it with my paw and soon the contents spilled onto the path. Wow, kitchen stuff. Now if there is something I really love it's discovering the leftovers from the kitchen bin. I know they usually hide it somewhere else because I can never find where it goes, but today ho ho ho. Oh dear I'm not too keen on potato skins, yucky, oh, banana, no, must be something good in here. Ah some meat pie that's more like it. I go a little deeper find a tiny morsel of sponge cake, tear the paper away, anything else? The best find of all, turkey, now we are talking, I love turkey.............
Help, some one's got my collar, I've been found out, No, being dragged back indoors. Oh and I had just got to the turkey. Please, please let me go back.
They've put me in the dining room, I call this place my punishment room.
Life was going so well.
I know the routine they will come in, give me a talking too, as if that will make any difference, but I will sit here with my best cutest puppy face, try to nod in all the right places, hug their leg. They will say not to do it again, if I could smile I would. I know they love me, I will go out to play again.
Suckers...........because if I can find anything to eat, chew, rob, steal, play with, I will. As I always say, Puppies Rule.
See you tomorrow.................

1 comment:

Leslie Hawes said...

Hello, hello!
Deuce here, Buffy. My human (Mom) laughed because she said she could see "earnestness" in your tail. I usually just get bits of twigs and leaf debris in my tail. Do you know what earnestness is, and if you do, does it hurt when they comb it out?
We don't have many green grassy things in Arizona. It looks like some very good tickley fun to run in.
Mom says...I love this "puppies diary" blog.