Well my day started wonderfully, as you can see out on a run through the countryside. I honestly thought as a little puppy I was actually getting a lot bigger now but here I am running past sprouting ferns that already are taller than me. How long does it take a puppy to grow?
Now the thing is up until the walk I had been behaving myself, quite the perfect puppy, then on the way home we had to stop at the supermarket while the family ran in for, what ever is it they run in for!!
So the big black dog and I are left in the car and then, oh no, I got this desperate need to poop somewhere. What do you do? I had no choice I left it in the corner, the big black dog looked at me in disgust, well it wasn't my fault, when a puppy has to go, a puppy has to go!!
I thought perhaps they wouldn't notice it, half covered by a piece of blanket. Got that wrong, they returned opened the door and screamed my name. Seems humans have noses after all.
When we got home I knew I was in trouble, no immediate puppy biscuits, they made me wait until after they had disinfected the back of the car. So annoying I hadn't had an accident slip up like that for over a couple of weeks.
I decided to keep out of sight for a while, let them quieten down for a bit and trotted off to the garden, I usually find the odd chore to do out there. Dig some new holes, chew on the fencing, scratch under the gate, find that watering can: the handle's really chewy.
Later I wandered back into the house, the family were busy eating their lunch in the kitchen, I tried my 'I am a cute puppy please feed me face' didn't work today. Walking through the hall I spotted something on a chair that I didn't know what it was, but it smelt good. About half the size of a thin book and smelling of dead animal skin. I sniffed, nobody saw me so I picked it up and walked slowly back into the garden. As I started to chew it something magical happened, it kind of clicked and opened up, there were all these little pieces of paper inside. So I played with these for a while, ate a couple of them but preferred to return to the animal skin. Very soft and playful and rattled like a puppy's toy, as I bit through the magic came again and out popped all these round metal disc things. I think I swallowed one of the small one's but didn't like that very much. By then I felt quite tired and went indoors for a nap.
The family had finished their lunch and were all looking around the house, what are they doing I wondered. One of them pointed to me, 'have you seen my wallet?' I honestly looked back with a blank look on my face, what's a wallet?
The scream only took about another five minutes to come, oh boy, it would appear my last game was pretty bad, I didn't know it was just another game. So here I find myself lying in bed feeling quite sorry for myself. Am I really the worse puppy in town and why am I always in trouble?
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