I told you I wasn't going to sleep downstairs in that horrible kitchen, it took a few nights but in the end I won the battle. Puppies unite - all you have to do is to keep up the crying, on and off throughout each night and in the end the 'suckers' give in.
I'm up in the bedroom now, nice soft carpet, decent curtains, hold back that stupid early sunlight. But they still expect me to do my puppy puddles on newspaper oh no, but how easy it is to wake them up now just try to jump on the bed and lick their faces, take me outside and then we can return upstairs.
Oh yes I'm here to stay now, got you.
And the bedroom has so many extra things I can chew on in the night if I get bored, they have started to put their slippers up on a chair, ha ha, I can almost reach them, as soon as I grow a little bit more I will get them down.
And fancy hanging dressing gowns on the back of the door, they dangle right by my nose and puppy teeth, I didn't know loose cotton would come flying out of a hem.
Oops I found a telephone wire in the corner last night, wonder if they know yet?
It does help to get my breakfast earlier, as soon as I feel hungry I just ask to go outside, no one wants a puppy puddle upstairs and they rush me down. Hey Presto works like a charm.
Yes this house and family will suit me quite fine, I've worked them out already. One knows that I can manage the stairs on my own, so I have to climb up and down, well thank you very much for the exercise, but the other one still thinks I'm a little puppy and she carries me like a baby, works for me!
They have this stairgate to stop me going into the hall and upstairs during the day, well I can reach the top already, soon work out how to climb over that. My days are so busy, so many obstacles that I have to work a way round and the funniest thing is that I am winning on most of them.
And when I'm tired I sleep when ever I want and where ever I want, they never stop me sleeping. I really am a super powerful puppy. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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