Yes today was the best day of my puppy life, they let me out. We went for a walk. Hurrah!
Boy isn't it tiring.
They said I could go out and we climbed into the car, I thought Oh No, not the puppy vet man again, but no I went into the back of the car, where the big black dog sits. Not very comfortable and every time they go round a corner I slide over. I found I could climb over the back through the side where some belts are, that seat is far more suited for me but no, they kept putting me in the back. How dare they! I know where I should be sitting, up front, that's where important puppies belong.
But we didn't go to the vet man and suddenly we arrived at this place with lots of trees and grass, it looked like puppy heaven.
However some of my hopes were dashed they opened the back door but wouldn't let me jump out, I had to be tied up with this rope thing and they held the other end, when I tried to run they yanked at my neck, are they trying to strangle me? The big black dog doesn't have one of these why should I?
All my life they keep saying "When you are bigger".... well I am....
So we walked along this track place, I wasn't allowed to run where I wanted, so much I wanted to sniff at but they kept saying "Don't touch that.."
How long does it take for a puppy to grow up, I get so far but always they stop me doing what I want to do.
I was a little tired and had a few stops along the way, I liked it when the big black dog would come over with a stick, so I tried to take it. But I'm not allowed to run with her yet. When?
It was all very interesting, so many things to sniff at, big poop and tiny little round ball poop's, what makes that?
Its all very scary for a little puppy like me, I heard this enormous noise I ran to my new Mum, she said it was a train, oh yes that made me feel much better knowing that. What the hell is a train? Do they eat puppies?
Then I didn't want to leave but they put me back in the car and went home again, what's the point of that? When do we come again, I want to go walkies, NOW
But then we got home I looked at my blanket and suddenly my little puppy legs felt very heavy, I couldn't resist lying down for just a minute you understand, it seemed to make my family very happy that I had a nice long snooze..............Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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