Yesterday I was wishing and wishing they would take me out of here, today I thought I had got my wish, they put me in the car, yippee I thought. All those puppy dreams were coming true, I saw other dogs out and about and smelt the green grass of the park as we drove past.
But no, horror of horrors again they took me to that place of torture. This time I saw Mrs Vet, I thought she looked nicer perhaps she won't hurt me, huh, how wrong was I. Does life consist of sharp nasty needles always being pushed into puppies, if it is I don't want to grow up. I haven't seen the big black dog have even one of them and now I've has two. Why, I ask?
Then they had the nerve to say that soon I could go out for a walkies, what does that mean, I want to go runnies! On the way home I was hoping they would stop the car but no, soon, didn't mean today. When does soon mean? Tomorrow? Don't say I have to wait longer than that, I need to run, now.
So we came home and here I stay again, right watch out everybody I need to run, I do my speedy circuit of the house and garden, it seems to make them laugh.
Oh goody here comes my special treat after the vets, yummy, but I am not going again, EVER.
Tired now, want to dream of big green fields, Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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