Well it hasn't been too bad, they gave me some nice puppy food, some toys and played with me.
This big black dog doesn't seem to want to know me that much, everytime I want to play she tells me off, but I'm used to biting and chewing on doggies ears and tails, why doesn't she like it?
I've been a little tired tonight but I can't sleep they have this exciting box in the corner of the room, full of colors and music, so much going on I can't keep up with it, how do I sleep with that noise going on?
It's bedtime and they put me in the kitchen, where all those scary machines are, the one that rolls round and round and dibbles water when they open the door, plus the big box, whoa...when they opened that door, the hot air flew in my face, I sniffed again, it was too hot for me. Another box is quite nice but when they open that door I'm not allowed to sniff in there, I smelt meat, check that out tomorrow!
So they gave me this tatty old cardboard box for a bed, who do they think I am? I'm not sleeping here. Then insult they turned off the light, its dark and my new friend is so black I can't even see her in the dark.
Well this won't do...Howl...........................
Ah.. Footsteps I won, I try to squeeze through the door, they caught me.
What do you mean a cuddle then settle down, on my own, I don't think so.
They go
I Howl
They come back, they go
I Howl
But they let me cry for a while and I got tired I didn't mean to, this black dog is not my Mummy.
I want my Mummy..........Howl..............
Footsteps, I won, they said its 2a.m. so what does that mean, told me to puddle outside. Hey its cold out there.
They left again.
I tried to cry again.......nothing........they don't love me anymore........ tried again
I want my mummy..............Howl.........
Worked, I won again, they said 5:30, whats that, we did the same thing and they still left me, I'm going to get these people tomorrow, you can't treat puppies like this, I shall complain to the Puppy Police and I will do all in my power to make them behave better towards me. I've seen their bedrooms, they have soft carpets, no machines up there that hum loudly all night. I will sleep up there just you wait and see! But first I'm tired from being up all night I'll just have a little nap before breakfast comes. Zzzzzzzzzzzz
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