don't try this at home:
I just ate a box of tissues - don't even attempt it, makes you throw up again!
Just lately everything I do comes back up again, why do all the exciting things in the world not be suitable for puppies to eat?
Oh a puppies life is so tough, I have to make my family play with me, it's good for their health. If the big black dog won't play I just start biting her leg, that always gets a game going. But sometimes she's asleep and then that means there is an awful large amount of time that a puppy has to fill somehow.
So maybe I get into trouble now and then. Like the tissue box, whenever there is something which is used a lot and always taken out of my reach naturally the one moment they let their guard down. I'm in, I never miss a trick. Got caught out in this one though, those tissues didn't even put up a fight, bit soft and yucky! Next thing I know they're back on the floor again.
Life as a puppy is picking up a bit though, the humans are beginning to slip up or am I just getting too clever for them, this morning on our walk I managed to jump from the car and race into the trees with big black dog, ha ha, they didn't have time to catch my collar to put that awful lead on me, I was free. For a few minutes I could run... then they tricked me, called me over, I fell for it, next thing I know back on the puppy extended lead again. Wait a couple of days I'll try it again when they are not expecting it. Sneaky hey!
I've got this stash of pegs they don't seem to know about, I've hidden them in the garden, Surely they must want them, I keep collecting them in the house and store them outside, but those games are never fun if they don't rush round chasing me for them. It will happen, always does.
They are not keen on one of my new games, I have found where they keep spare blankets for the car, so I like to drag them outside for me to sit on instead of hard grass, but that game they try to stop and continue putting them back indoors. It's getting quite bothersome having to keep on dragging them back out there. Who will tire first? Puppy v. Humans!
Did you know if you grab that tv control box thingy you can change channels, and if you get the video box thingy you can restart the film you were watching which they paused when going to the kitchen, huh huh! It is fun though to take the little pieces of paper index out of the video boxes, half chew them & leave on the floor, then you can laugh while they have to work out which video box tape has their favourite taped programme on.
Well I'm feeling kind of sleepy now, all these games make me a very tired puppy. Zzzzzzzzzzz
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