Hello everyone,
I'm in trouble again but I need your advice. How many puppies out there actually sleep all night long with no potty breaks?
I can't help it, I'm only a little puppy & I have to puddle and poop in the night, my family puts down paper for me to go on. Yuk...have they ever tried that...disgusting. I don't use the house for that, but they seem to want to face cleaning that up every morning rather than letting me out when I need to go!
What is so wrong with getting up 2 or 3 times a night, they go back to bed. Me, I lie there wide awake wanting to play, but no, its always back indoors then, back to bed. Huh. Look if the Dog God gave me a little bladder then he wants me to have company through the night.
I'm only thinking of their carpet, if my puddle soaked through the paper, oh I would be in more trouble then.
And do you know what other ill treatment they are doing to me, they take away my water bowl before bedtime, as if that would stop my puppy puddles - idiots! Call the Puppy Police.
Why do humans have this fascination with sleep and why do they have to do it all in one go? Much better if they slept on and off throughout the day like me, In fact why don't they play when I'm ready to and sleep when I do. We would all be happy then.
Makes perfect sense to me.
But the one thing that makes no sense at all is trying to make me perform to order and while they are watching me! If its time to go out, something about they don't want me to do anything in the car, they take me to the garden and say stupid things like, come on puddle, hurry up. Wish I could say it to them, lets see how well they would perform on demand with viewers!
I've seen the big black dog pretend, she gets away with it. She squats, nothing comes out and they say well done.
Oh if I only had one wish - I want to grow up, life as a puppy is getting very hard and very complicated.
See you tomorrow...............
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