That was so rude yesterday, there I was a tired little puppy, took a nap after lunch and the big black dog decides its time to nick my puppy blog. Well I don't think we want to hear from her again do we, so I'm back in charge!
This is a stupid picture looks as through I'm playing hoop-la, got in trouble there because I've broken the pink one, tough! or rather it wasn't! The garden hardly has any grass, they say because its been so dry lately, well I'm doing my puppy bit to keep it wet, but the grass isn't growing!
I have been quite good today so far, I know this morning I was in trouble for stealing some one's toast, well fancy putting it down on the coffee table just at puppy height and then going back to the kitchen, that's just asking me to nick it. Mind you I won't be taking it tomorrow, it had this black stuff on it, think they called it marmite, anyway it was yucky! I quite like cream cheese but sausage and bacon is my favourite to pinch from them at breakfast time.
On our walk this morning I went for a paddle in the stream, oops, the water is getting quite low now and a bit muddy, they don't really mind when I get muddy feet, but you know what kind of puppy I am, I had to go and lie down in it. I was a little dirty! Funny how when you sleep it kind of falls off and when you get up there's this large black dirty dust mark. I walk away and look at the big black dog, she did it!
I've made this hole in the garden fence, I can see through to next door but my family is not to pleased about it, they are talking about mending it, No...... There's a sweet little girl next door, she likes puppies and she talks to me, so isn't it nice to be neighbourly, but they also have a pet I've discovered. I've seen it lazing in the sun, a big furr ball of fluff. I tried to bark at it the other day but it hasn't answered me yet. Just wait until it comes across my garden I will investigate, tell him who's boss and chase him off. So far I'm quite good at that job, keeping the garden clear of any intruders, I must have chased off at least 200 birdy's already!
Oh I think I can hear the local boy coming on his bicycle, yes he's going to send a newspaper through the door again, he does that every week and if I'm quick I can usually get there first, I like to read the paper first it's another one of my jobs. I'm a very busy little puppy I have a lot of work to get through in a day. What would they do without me?
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