Puppy life here is great, I've got my new family all trained now and I'm doing my bit to keep them fit.
They seem to love running round after me, they laugh a lot!
I've learnt lots of new puppy tricks, when I'm bored and want to play, all I have to do is chew on the furniture, they soon throw toys at me.....playtime!
If I want to play in the garden, then I just collect something that means a lot to them, example they leave these tv box things on the couch. Perfect puppy mouth size, I just pick one up, take it outside and oh we have such fun running round the garden. Sometimes my teeth touch a button and it makes the tv picture change, oh I am so powerful. Superpuppy!
One of my favourite games is when they choose to have supper on a tray in front of the tv, I always wake at the thought of food. And so the game begins, first I ask to go outside, they put the tray down, just as they reach the door I dash back very fast to the plate, screams abound as we see who can reach the food first! I have won sometimes.
Then as they try to eat I decide its time for a little bonding and like to jump onto their laps, oops so sorry didn't see the food tray there.....if I'm lucky a little morsel may slip my way.
Oh we puppies are very sneaky!
Another trick while they eat is to start playing with a ball, of course let it roll under the tv unit, they always jump up for that, something about wires and again have to put the tray down. ha ha.
Mostly they eat at the table, Why?
Whenever they are in the kitchen I always join them, I have what they call 'Puppies Eyes', don't know what it means but if I sit quietly and watch them cooking I usually get a reward.
But running is my favourite game, I don't understand why we have things that are for outside and some for inside and why can you not take the inside things outside? I do, its funny make a pile outside of all the inside things, as they pick them up, just take more out there. As I say it keeps them fit and active.
Oh I love my life and my family, we have such fun, Why are they tired now? I'm not. Oh what's that, think they call it a phone, P*L*A*Y*T*I*M*E...........Run...........
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