Well I need to report my new owners to the Puppy Police for cruelty to Golden Retrievers. Let me explain, first okay maybe I got one or two things today that I shouldn't have.
Why put socks on a radiator if they are not there to play with, that's not my fault.
Why leave a sandwich on the coffee table right at my nose level, that's not my fault.
They put the TV guide in the magazine rack, easy pickings, that's not my fault.
When I ask to go outside because its URGENT and they don't open the door in time, oops watered the door mat, that's not my fault.
So I cried again at bedtime, I said I'm not sleeping downstairs get the message, that's not my fault either.
So how come all these things happened for which in my defence I am not to blame for, did I deserve the treatment I got.
Cruel they are.
They tricked me and took me for a car ride, letting me sit on a nice warm lap as we rode along, I looked out of the window thought oh where are we going?
We then entered this puppy building place, there were other dogs there, they had to sit on the floor. I was carried in and cuddled. All these nice ladies there thought I was so cute (told you). They stroked me and made a huge fuss of me, I liked it there AT FIRST.
A man opened another door called me in, he seemed okay at first, I sat on a table. The place smelt a bit funny, suddenly I wasn't so sure I should be there. This man Mr. Vet started to prod me, didn't like that. Cold hands on my tummy, Who does he think he is to poke in my ears and all sorts of places he shouldn't go. Then horror of all horrors he stuck this enormous sharp needle in me, "This won't hurt" he said. Wish I could stick it in him. IT HURT.
Puppy Police, Puppy Police.
Report my new owners, I thought they loved me and were going to look after me for ever and ever, I want to go home to my Mummy.
They took me back to my new home, I looked at them to ask why hurt me, then they cuddled me and when we got indoors they gave me a nice treat, yummy
Perhaps I'll stay after all, please don't call the Puppy Police I changed my mind.
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