Thursday, 31 May 2007

Good Puppy Dog

Well, today I have been told that I am behaving very well, like the perfect little puppy dog, they said!
I think it's because after yesterday they will not let me out of their sight.
The only mischief I have managed to pull off today was quickly grabbing a piece of toast at breakfast time, but the laugh was on me because it had marmalade on it. Yuk, How do humans eat the stuff?
We went for a lovely puppy walk this morning, I was lucky enough to see some rabbits, they were lucky enough because I didn't chase them. The big black dog tells me it is a puppies duty to chase rabbits, but I don't see the point in that yet! I do so love to chase that cat from next door, I see the point in that, get out of my garden.
We went straight home but they are not leaving me alone for a second, what can I do?
I took a walk around my garden, I saw that someone has dug over and repaired my secret digging hole, that means they found the slipper I buried for chewing later and a meaty bone I discovered in the garden after a barbecue, and what's worse is they never gave those things back to me!
So getting bored I started a running game, tearing through the garden up into the house and back again, nope not allowed, they stopped me. Said I had muddy puppy feet, I haven't, all the mud dropped off in the hallway.
Couldn't stop myself I decided to enjoy a little gnaw on the doormat, got caught. My fault they probably heard my growling as I tried to make the stupid mat surrender.
There's only one reason for being good, they gave me a chew stick, wow. But that only lasts for a couple of minutes, how can any puppy be good for the WHOLE day just to get a chew stick?
So I took a nap and that has turned out to be a good decision for once, I just saw people putting outdoor shoes on, Yippee we are all going out again, oh this is a good day. I will have to go now, I'm off out again, bye...

Wednesday, 30 May 2007

Troublesome Puppy

Hi everybody super trouble puppy here, I've done it again.
This morning after breakfast I did my usual check of all eating areas, nope, no crumbs, not a morsel of anything. However on the kitchen table I saw something bright, no-one seems to realise I'm growing into a much bigger puppy now. So I half jumped and caught it, I rushed off into the garden, I didn't know what my find was, it was small, looked a bit like the TV control box. Only problem was it was too small for me to play with and I soon lost interest so buried it into one of my holes.
Later on 'the big man' of the house, as I call him, was looking for something. I watched as all my family started turning everything upside down. Then they looked at me. What did I know, I'm only a puppy? In their usual gobbledygook they asked me if I had seen something or other, I can never understand what they saying. I thought they wanted to play so rushed off to the toy box and returned with a tennis ball, Yes? NO, they shouted at me!
They even went outside and started looking around the garden, I started to run about I was sure they wanted to play puppy games, but no they went back indoors.
Then one of them picked up the strange box that makes a noise like a ringing bell, I always think they look stupid when they talk to themselves. Nobody wanted to take any notice of me this morning, I tried everything I could to get their attention. Did my usual I can lie on my back with my legs in the air, that always makes them laugh, nope. Chased my tail, nope. Look cute and dumb, nope. Sulk away, nope and no-one saw me go, what is wrong with those guys?
One of them opened the back door and from the garden came this strange noise, like that ringing bell box thing, only muffled.
Oh No, they are heading for my secret 'puppies only' burial hole.....they are digging in it....No they found my stash! It seems the box I found this morning was important, oops. They are all looking at me, why do they keep waving their fingers my way.
For the some reason they get satisfaction by repeating the word, School, school, school... starts next week , help!
I just get bored, maybe if we walked before breakfast as well as after, perhaps I wouldn't get into so much trouble. Or maybe if I had more food. Or maybe if they played more games. Or maybe if they understood I'm just a little puppy.
See you tomorrow everybody, remember puppies rule.

Tuesday, 29 May 2007

'Stick' Puppy

On my morning puppy walks I love to find a stick, but maybe this place is going a bit too far. I didn't know which one to pick up!
Unfortunately after my lovely walk, things took a turn for the worse.
We went home and despite thinking that my family loves me, they left me alone (well I say alone, the big black dog was here, but she's not up to much, just sits there, like an old lady!). Yes fancy leaving a puppy. Of course I got bored, couldn't even get outside.
You know me, could I just lay down and take a puppy nap, no way. I was too cross at being left, I've haven't been left many times, I'm only a baby. So I wandered around the kitchen, no food around, thanks and I was hungry. I know where they keep things like biscuits and guess where they are. Right up high in the cupboards, not even my brilliant brain can work out how to get up there!
I used my puppy paws to try and prise some of the cupboard doors and yes 2 of them opened, hurrah I thought. But the first one had saucepans and boring things, I pulled them out to the floor but the noise was too noisy even for me.
But the door under the sink, although no food, offered me a few playthings, some rags I could chew, a funny paper roll like the loo roll only much bigger, that rolled everywhere.
In general play I like to chew on a cardboard box so when I saw this large one I thought that will give me something to do for a minute. I managed to knock it off the shelf and with my sharp teeth had a good old time on the corners, then the inside's started to appear on the floor, all white like sugar but it didn't taste very sweet and my tongue felt soapy, then my tummy began to feel funny.
Before I knew it the contents were back on the floor again. I took a drink of water and tasted bubbles!
Like all normal puppies that didn't keep me down for long and went back to the cupboard, I cleared out what I could find but nothing else exciting to play with, so had a nice chew on the cupboard door. That did actually taste quite good. I even had a little puppy nap.
I woke up to the sound of a car, they're back I barked and stood at the kitchen door, but no they didn't come in. The house sounded quiet, I was just hoping it wasn't burglars, I'm not big enough yet to fight off criminals.I've heard about cat burglars, if it was one of them they had better go next door, do me a favor take that cat away! Do they have puppy burglars?
Now I'm awake, where are they? I go under the kitchen table realising there no-one around to stop me chewing the pine legs, wow, felt kind of comforting chewing those, I've tried all my life to have a go at these, quite nice and soft really.
Another car, the big black dog finally wakes up she seems to know it's them. My little puppy tail is wagging at 90 miles an hour, I've missed you I bark and jump all over them. At first they seemed really pleased to see me but then they put their heads around the door. Oops I looked back as well, my my it did look like a fight had gone on.
I rush to the back door, I desperately need to puddle, they think I'm running away. No please don't take me back to the mess, yes I know it's a mess, yes I'm sorry, No I won't do it again, please let me go outside... help....too late.. I puddled on the kitchen floor. Now I'm in double/triple/quad whatever next, trouble. At least they let me outside, I think I just might stay here for a little bit until things are cleared up and they want to see their dear little puppy again.......... Oh dear.............

Monday, 28 May 2007

'Little' Puppy!

First can I say 'What a crop!' This farmer really knows how to grow things, but makes me feel such a little puppy!
Hi everybody. This will surprise you but I have been told that I was a very very good puppy this holiday weekend, Wow!
Yesterday after breakfast I thought we were just going out on our usual puppy walk but no, we all got into the car and off we went. We drove & drove & drove, I really hate that car, there is a limit of how long a puppy can sit in a car without having an accident, so I started shuffling around. Unbelievably they got the message and we stopped at this green place - I flew out of the car - hurrah at last a walk. After being stuck in that car for hours... I did this HUGE puddle, never knew anyone, let alone a puppy, could have that much water inside of them, I felt much better. Right ready for my walk, I looked at them, are you coming?
Next thing I knew we all had to get back in the car again. I wanted to shout, Hey, where's my puppy walk?
We drove on, again. I'm getting tired of this. Then the family started almost shouting at me, please, please behave today. Don't do this or that!
I sat there so confused I haven't done anything wrong today, you've held me captive in this tin can on wheels for ages!
We stopped at last. We all got out and then we went into this different house. My family were hugging these strange people. They picked me up to meet, something about an Uncle, What's an Uncle?
Going into the house I sniffed around, it smelt very odd, like cleaning fluid. Not like home with our dog & puppy hairs, dried up drool, chewed wet paper down the back of the radiator, you know the kind of smell that makes a house a home!
I felt like a prisoner on parole, all eyes were watching me. Be careful, they kept repeating. What could I do with such an audience? We went into the living room, I could see this garden outside. Oh, it had lovely green grass and brightly colored flowers, I do so love flowers, tasty. I ran for the garden when suddenly WHAM, my puppy nose and face, followed hard by my body went slam head first into some glass doors. They all rushed to my side I was okay, just in severe shock. Why would anybody build a glass wall?
They let me into the garden but as soon as I had done another puddle they tried to keep me sitting down in the house. Impossible! Some children from this strange clean and tidy place took me for a walk, but I had to stay on the old puppy lead the whole time, what fun is that?
When we got back to the house I wanted to explore, I even got half way up the stairs but they saw me! No I couldn't live in a house like this BORING!
No wonder they said I was good, they wouldn't leave me alone for a second.
By the time we arrived back to a real home, ours, I was so desperate to move. I ran straight to my garden and roared round and round the lawn in circles, so fast it made my head spin. Then a game of catch your own puppy tail. So pleased to be home I tore up a chunk of grass to eat and found a daisy head that must have popped up overnight. Oh I love my house.
After my puppy meal I just curled up happy to be home and went sleep.

Sunday, 27 May 2007

New Puppy Friends

First I have to give a huge big puppy sorry to everyone when I say that I have been told I cannot stay up writing on my blog, I've been very tired tonight.
I have been out all day this holiday weekend and will have lots to tell you tomorrow, please return.
But I must tell you about my new puppy friend Deuce, check out his blog at I think all puppy lovers everywhere would like to read about his antics too. He's great. Of course he is not anywhere near as crazy as me, (yet!) but I will try to teach him how to handle his humans, like I rule my house.
Sorry I have to go now but I will see you all tomorrow, Remember Puppies Rule.

Saturday, 26 May 2007

Tired Puppy

This is one tired little puppy, walks are such fun but maybe sometimes I should slow down a little, you never thought you would ever hear me say that did you?
Hi everyone I've recovered, full of life now!
Although I am a much older puppy now, I've started getting into trouble again at night time.
Now last night we went to the Park, great fun, it was a very warm evening and I got quite hot. When I came home I was so thirsty I needed lots and lots of water to cool me down. Plus my poor little puppy feet were hot, so I did my usual trick of tipping up the water bowl to soak my paws, I also love watching the waterfall as the water trickles down the patio steps.
However the problem was I drank too much water and then I had to ask to go outside about 3 times last night. Well my puppy bladder is not very big!
I know my family was not too impressed at being woken up so many times, but I think what really upset them was the way that, well when I go outside to puddle...I wake up! So can I help it if I want to play in the middle of the night?
They kept shouting at me, 2:15 and you want to play ball? My answer was Yes please.... I was awake, so were they, what's wrong with that?
We played this same game at 4:30 and 6:45, I've discovered no-one loves puppies in the middle of the night! Surely we could have played or got up at one of those times?
But today is a new day, I've been out on a lovely walk, came home and took a nice long puppy nap under the tree in the garden.
I wandered into the house and found everybody was very busy, I tried dropping puppy toys at people's feet, but I think I've become invisible. No one wants to play, even the big black dog is fast asleep and snoring, lazy thing!
On my way back to the garden I picked up the TV guide, never fail to spot that when they leave it on the coffee table. Why I have a fascination for chewing paper I don't know, must be a puppy thing, I never eat it, tastes yucky.
Oh I hate it when no-one plays with me. This is one BORED puppy!
I decided to check out the bathroom, I've found a leak in there which I think is my secret, because whenever I go in, there is always this little puddle of water, I don't think they know the water pipe is leaking so I help by licking up all the water for them and leaving it nice and dry. See I can help my family!
I love the bathroom door it opens with just a little push, oh yes clear up the puddle. I turn round, my my my someone hasn't tidied their things up, clothes all over the floor. Even I know they should be in the basket. Now I try to be a good little puppy and help when ever I can, so I thought every one is very busy so I will tidy up for them. I started moving these clothes around upstairs, put them where ever I could. I had such fun finding places to put everything. Managed to squash socks under beds, a jumper in the bookcase on the landing, put a shirt behind the loo! I thought it looked very tidy. There was one slipper left, I decided that was my reward for all my hard work and went off to the garden to enjoy it and I did, I even managed to half bury it for later in my newly dug hole.
I'm tired now must have a nap. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Oh, they are calling me must be dinner time, I rush to the door, Yes, they found the missing slipper, can I have it please, the look on their faces said NO! Oops......Think it's time to retreat, they will have to catch me first, I run for the kitchen................See you tomorrow........if I'm still here!!................

Friday, 25 May 2007

Fields of Puppy

"Daisy, Daisy......" They said I would look puppy cute if I sat in the daisy field, I just have one question, does this grass stuff ever stop growing? I'm a growing puppy and every time I put on a few inches I come into the field and the grass has overtaken me again!
Today I want to say a big puppy hi and thank you to my new friends, DEUCE and Leslie. Just as long as you thought it was the big black dog who looked funny yesterday, mind you it couldn't have been me, you couldn't see me!!
I love to start my day on puppy walks out in the open, but I will admit it here today I get scared sometimes. I'm only little and where we live there are a lot of big silver metal birds that roar around in the sky. They make a lot of noise and as they pass over my head I always stop to watch them, convinced one day they will fall on my little head. Splat! And those flying egg whisk things as well. And we have big noisy steam train engine thingies that fly past me on a puppy walk blowing clouds of black smoke all over the place, when they blow their whistle, oh my spine shivers. But apart from that I'm not scared of anything, I'm tough!
I can even prove that because today after enjoying my lovely puppy meal lunch I was in the garden when I saw this big black plastic bag. My family doesn't usually put anything in this corner of the garden so I wondered what could be inside. Bravely I sniffed it, smelt quite interesting, I started to claw at it with my paw and soon the contents spilled onto the path. Wow, kitchen stuff. Now if there is something I really love it's discovering the leftovers from the kitchen bin. I know they usually hide it somewhere else because I can never find where it goes, but today ho ho ho. Oh dear I'm not too keen on potato skins, yucky, oh, banana, no, must be something good in here. Ah some meat pie that's more like it. I go a little deeper find a tiny morsel of sponge cake, tear the paper away, anything else? The best find of all, turkey, now we are talking, I love turkey.............
Help, some one's got my collar, I've been found out, No, being dragged back indoors. Oh and I had just got to the turkey. Please, please let me go back.
They've put me in the dining room, I call this place my punishment room.
Life was going so well.
I know the routine they will come in, give me a talking too, as if that will make any difference, but I will sit here with my best cutest puppy face, try to nod in all the right places, hug their leg. They will say not to do it again, if I could smile I would. I know they love me, I will go out to play again.
Suckers...........because if I can find anything to eat, chew, rob, steal, play with, I will. As I always say, Puppies Rule.
See you tomorrow.................

Thursday, 24 May 2007

Puppy Summer Fun

Take a walk through the jungle!...................I'm not kidding...I can't see a thing, the grass keeps going up my nose and I get puppy sneezes! Now this farmer is what I call, down right lazy.
Mow your lawn!
Thank goodness I don't live with a Chihuahua, we would never have come out of that field alive.
Despite not seeing where I was going we had a lovely puppy walk, I kept myself beautifully clean (well boring, no puddles today!)
Went straight home. After taking a short puppy nap, I discovered something wonderful. It was car wash day. Yippee!
And I was allowed to help, well not help wash actually, but they didn't stop me watching and trying to help.
Why is a puppy bath so awful but splashes from the hose in the hot summer sun so funny? The soapy suds don't taste very nice though, I was only trying to help dry up the driveway.
I only got into trouble two times, first one, I found a rag cloth thought it was just an old piece, smelt like leather and I ran off to the back garden with it for playing later. Oops they needed it to wipe the windows, well, soon washed clean again and the new hole will help to drain the water away, makes sense to me.
Then of course you know how puppies love to run about and get excited sometimes, well I ran a little bit too close to the bucket of clean water and over it went. It missed my families feet by inches, that was close. I licked it up, well not quite all, but I tried.
When we had finished and went indoors, they gave me a puppy treat and said that I behaved very well, gosh, didn't notice that coming.
But I spoilt it after lunch someone left some biscuits out on the coffee table, well you know me, I just couldn't help myself. I had to nick one, then the next one and oh the 5 or 6 left all disappeared. Well you wouldn't put a drink in front of an alcoholic would you? So I'm only half to blame and they had finished eating.
Perhaps I should go to Puppies Anonymous instead of training school, which they say starts just over a week away, Help.
Well I think I've been very very good today and with the sun warming me up I think I'll go outside and enjoy a little puppy nap in my favorite corner, see you tomorrow........Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Wednesday, 23 May 2007

Puppy fun

"Life is like a box of".........Winalot Shapes, you never know which one you are going to eat the lot!! My Motto for all Puppies!
Hi everyone, super puppy here, why does it always seem my puppy walks and my pictures are of muddy me? Yes had lots of fun this morning, they thought we were walking where every puddle had dried up but no, super big black dog found us a nice mud-filled hole.
When they saw me, I put on my I'll run through the long damp grass, it will clean off. Well most of it did!
On the way home, we had to sit in the car while they ran into the shop. Now we have this car where the big black dog & little puppy me sit in the back, then if they go shopping the bags go on the back seat. Very handy just below my nose. I always check the bags out when they load the car and always they say don't touch. What on earth does that mean to me, absolutely NOTHING!
All this time I have checked the shopping never found anything except tins, cans and boxes, today I think it was lucky puppy day.
We set off from the supermarket and called in for petrol, I never understand that, they always say, got to buy some petrol. They stick this pipe into the side of the car, I always check it out, nothing ever comes into the car. They go to pay, but have no shopping, what on earth do they think they are buying?
However today as soon as they disappeared my nose was back to the shopping bag, I could smell something. Wow. Puppy teeth soon found a way through the simple plastic box, inside heaven. Sugar, Jammy/Jelly stuff, round doughy ring things, delicious. I couldn't help myself I just pigged the lot. The big black dog just sat there, although her face said, I'd like one, she threw me this look that said, there will be trouble idiot puppy. She always calls me that. Twit!
But they came back to the car, didn't notice a thing and we drove home, I looked at the big black dog and in my puppy way I smiled smugly!
Home, went into the garden with my after walk puppy biscuits, tummy feeling quite nicely full. I thought time for a puppy nap. Wrong. My name again, scream from the house, oops they found the shopping bags. Always they assume it was me, could have been the man at the petrol station next to us, he could have put his hand through the window they leave open for us, he could have nicked them, well okay he didn't, but he could have. They just always blame me, if only I could present my case in court. I know I know,you're saying how does a little puppy know such things, well I have been watching these court drama's on TV, you pick up things you know. I'm always guilty until proven guilty er!
They said no lunch for me, No way, I'm hungry.......... I'm hungry.............I'm hungry.............I'm hungry...........
I go into the kitchen hope they have cooled down a little, give them my best puppy face, gently rub against their legs and sit appealingly. Yes it worked, lunch time. Yippee. They love me.
I'll try to be good this afternoon.
Had a nice lunch, then things went wrong again, went outside for a drink of water, sometimes I just can't help myself. Trouble just follows this little puppy around, I needed a bigger drink and when I feel like that I sort of tip over the water bowl. Water all over the patio stones, before they see it I try so hard to clean up all the spillage, bother got caught!
Oh they hate me, I know they love me, no they hate me, they love me, no they hate me. I'm so stupid!
Perhaps tomorrow I can be good.
See you then............

Tuesday, 22 May 2007

Puppy garden games

Hi everyone your super puppy here, this is me playing my favorite game, biting the big black dogs leg, I think she is having a very happy time don't you? She must love playing like this because she never tells me off!
Not like my family - I got into trouble again today, it started at breakfast time. I think they just forget sometimes that I'm a growing puppy and one of them left some toast on a plate, guess what all I had to do was jump just a little bit and I was off to the garden to enjoy my find. Ha ha, they never saw me coming, problem was they saw me going but never caught me, gobbled that very quickly.
They were laughing though, must have known it was their fault!!
We went on our puppy walk, the sun was shining, the grass was higher than me, but would you believe it they kept me well away from the muddy puddles, cheek!
Oh I did run and I got hot, back at the car they gave me some water, I know I drank too fast. As we set off, I knew I had drunk too fast, combined with the grass I had been eating, it all came out again. Nobody was very amused.
Back home they put me in the garden, they always do that, I'm not going to be bad again, that's history. Onto the next game. I've been working on this hole in the garden fence, it's getting bigger, not big enough for this puppy yet. I got bored so went over to put in some more work on the hole I'm digging in the grass. That is getting bigger I'm down to some moist mud now, comes up quite well when you use your paws.
I took a nice puppy nap curled up in the sun next to the shed, always a favorite place. Then I heard him, that darn cat from next door, he had the nerve to jump onto the top of our shed roof. He knows I'm only a little puppy and as much as I tried to jump higherI still couldn't reach him and he knew it. He kept teasing me by putting his paw down almost close enough for me to touch him but just out of reach.
Next thing I knew he jumped down and tore across MY garden, I took off determined to catch him. There we went 90 miles an hour across the lawn, cat and puppy almost neck and neck, tearing up the path and down towards the back gate, I almost got him, then and I still don't know how he did it, he took off vertically and just climbed up the fence, wish I could do that but I can't and I didn't. No what did I do, I couldn't stop in time and I slammed head first into the fence, luckily just a little way down from where I am working on my hole. Thank goodness because this had weakened the fence and it gave way instead of knocking me out.
My family on hearing the commotion and the cat's stupid wailing, came running, just in time to see my crash. At first they were quite concerned for me, saying poor little puppy, well until they saw I was perfectly okay, and then saw the broken fence, oops again.
To be honest my afternoon was quite quiet, I thought I had better lie low, they had to go out and buy another fence, which they had to put up quickly as both of us could have got out easily, oh life never goes the way you want it to, does it.
Oh, here they come, quick my puppy face, I'm sorry, please love me I am so cute! They stroked my head. YES they still love me. See you tomorrow..............

Monday, 21 May 2007

Puppies Favorite - Mud

Sorry for the blur, I moved!
This has to be every puppies dream, wallowing in mud, it rained last night so I had a lovely morning puppy walk. My family wasn't too keen, when we got back to the car they put a sheet around me to lift me in but apparently the wet liquid still seeped through. Oops!
At least I tried hard not to eat the car today, well they keep shouting at me as they drive along.
I heard that talking on the phone while driving is banned, believe me so should shouting at puppies as you drive along! And it's always so hard to take a puppy nap when they keep going on about something or other.
But the problem with everything wonderful is that there is always a downside - we got home, they let me into the garden and then gave me a BATH!
They say it's a dog shampoo but I'm sure it's for smelly ladies, I pong now! No respecting puppy friend is going to want to sniff me, just hope and pray this stink has gone by the morning, I'm not going out smelling like old ladies flowers tomorrow.
We had visitors to the house today, must have been important or horrible people because for some reason they didn't want me around and put me in the dining room. Now of all the boring rooms in the house, this one tops the list. After yesterday's paint fiasco the room is quite empty, few sheets around, no white sticky paint today! I sniffed all the walls, nothing interesting there, so decided to take a puppy nap on the sheets, gotta sit somewhere!
They left me for a while, I can only sleep for so long. When I woke I scratched at the door but nobody came to let me out, hey I need the garden, I barked, but no-one came. Now don't blame me but I got a little desperate, like all puppies can when left alone, I had no choice but to dampen one of the sheets just a little, well a small lot actually!
Feeling bored I found I could put my paws up on the window sill and look out of the window, only problem nothing to see, just the drive and a couple of cars, Great! I turned round and saw the old fireplace, usually there's a barrier/guard thing in front, but it was open.
I walked inside the base, I don't know what this old thing was ever used for, my family seems to just use it for putting pictures on the top. It's a bit smelly, but still better than my flowery puppy stink! I tried to turn round in there but the hole is quite small, so I had to wriggle to get free.
Nothing is really exciting me today, strange how days can be so wonderful when you go out and then you never know what to do with the rest of your time, I decided to rest a while and sat down. I looked at my puppy paw, then looked again, why is it black? Trying to turn my head I think a little bit of my back is black too. Can't have rubbed off the big black dog she's not in here with me.
I heard the visitor leave and jumped up, there was a gasp as they opened the door for me. From what they said I looked quite a sight, half covered in old soot, what's soot?
This just isn't my day, I had a second BATH. No No No it can't be happening to me!
Tomorrow I promise I have to go back to the mud, no I don't want another Bath, I just want to get rid of this smell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, 20 May 2007

Puppy with wildlife on walk

Hi everybody, Super well behaved puppy here.
I hope you all have good eyesight & not like me! This photo should be enlarged - The brown splodge behind me on the path is, they tell me, a deer. Well I never saw it, perhaps the farmer should mow his lawn, the grass is getting just a little bit too big for a little puppy like me to see anything.
We have the deer in other photo's but now I'm in trouble for not being in any of them, told you before I just can't win!
But we had a lovely puppy walk over the fields and far away, I was born to run, my problem now is the stream has nearly dried up, where will I get my daily dip?
Off home and I just took a wonderful puppy nap in the garden, lazing in the sun, what a great life! I'm even feeling too lethargic to chew, bite, chase, steal, eat, do anything wrong.
WAIT! wake up, you are letting the side down, what would other puppies say. Puppies Rule. What was I thinking, time for action!
I trotted off to the house, what are they doing? There's a very strange smell coming from the dining room. That surely can't be food, Yuk! Everything is covered with white sheets, I take a peep under the table, it's like a little puppies tent, looks fun. Oh they saw me, I have to get out. It looks like someone stole the stairs and put them in here, but I don't think I can climb those steps, my puppy feet will fall through the gaps.
There's this large tray with some white liquid stuff in it, looks like milk, I sniff. I don't like milk but this doesn't smell like milk, I'll just take a little sip. Aargh!! Not nice. Why is everybody now shouting and laughing at me at the same time?
Something about paint, what's paint? Oh stop trying to clean me, always you are trying to keep me clean. I'm a puppy dog I'm supposed to get dirty sometimes. Then I made the classic big mistake I took a step backwards away from their towel, my foot went into the tray, up went the end and the white stuff spilled out.
How many times in a day can they shout my name, but it was their fault. Now they are using some very smelly stuff to get my foot clean. I am not a happy puppy.
I stink, I go off to the garden, perhaps if I roll in a flower bed, some dirt with get rid of the smell. It didn't and all it did was made one leg dark brown, oh this day just gets worse and worse and it all started so well.
I returned to the house, this time the dining room was closed, well why didn't they do that in the first place.
No-one in the lounge, think I'll take a little puppy nap on the couch, far more comfortable than the garden, must soon be dinner time I'll dream of that.
I'm quite tired after my day, I'll see you tomorrow Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Saturday, 19 May 2007

Puppy playing

As you can see from this picture I have to put up with a lot from the big black dog, well okay maybe I did actually steal her stick first, but aren't your older family members supposed to help us little one's?
We had a nice puppy walk today, except I should apologise here for jumping up the nice lady we meet sometimes, I feel guilty for the dirty puppy paws marks I left on her. Sorry.
For the first time today I didn't obey my family when I ran over to meet a new friend, a 5 month old German Shepherd, he looked cool, but wouldn't play. They say school starts in 2 weeks, how is that going to help. I'm scared of school!
We have had some rain and I found the muddy puddles, oops!
I was watched constantly in the back of the car, the hole I made is still there, looks okay I thought.
After lunch we all worked in the garden, I helped. I only tried to chew the handles of the shears when they were cutting the grass edging, would I chew on the blades, silly people of course not, what's a blade, does it hurt?
It was great after they cut the grass because then you could roll about and your puppy coat got covered in grass cuttings, I ran indoors to shake them off! I like going into the shed best, so many interesting items to sniff, I clawed at one bag and this black dirt stuff poured out, it's still there so they haven't seen it yet!
However they found my secret watering hole, I had this flower pot that would fill up with rain, very nice to drink. But the funny part is that later in the evening they have been removing our water bowl, something about didn't want the little puppy, me, to drink very much at night time so I wouldn't puddle all night, but I have been going out there, I'm okay I have my water on hand. Well I get thirsty.
I was in trouble last night I got them up 3 times, the last trip was their fault, fancy trying to have a lie in with me around! Cheek I'm always ready to get up about 5:30, so I'm told. Sun's up I'm awake, why waste the day? So much for a young growing puppy to do.
Well I will have to make it shorter today, apparently we are going off to the park now, yippee, I hope those ducks are on the pond again. I never know which walk is best, the forest in the morning or the park later, no the morning walk is always longer, that's best, but then the park is followed by dinner, oh I'm hungry already, but the forest is followed by lunch, oh I'm confused!
See you tomorrow.................

Friday, 18 May 2007

Puppy Tennis Game

Do you think I could be the next Puppy Wimbledon Champion, jumping the net could be a little tricky though!
After yesterday when I was quite the perfect puppy and I wondered what I could do today to ease the boredom of being so good - I didn't have to go looking for trouble it kind of ...well...found me.
Earlier this morning after breakfast I went wandering round upstairs, okay I know I'm not allowed up there on my own but the stair gate was open, so that means welcome, doesn't it?
Anyway I popped my head around various doors, spotted a room with all the bed sheets on the floor, looks comfortable I thought, time for a puppy nap. So I settled in and had a snooze, I don't know which was worse, knowing I shouldn't be sleeping there or the fact that nobody missed me!
I woke up and no-one was calling me, huh! You know how it is when you sleep you kinda pull all the sheets around you to get comfortable, well I moved to get up and somehow the sheet just caught on my foot. My foot sort of went through a hole and the more I wriggled the more I got caught, so I tried to get free and wriggled some more and the hole got kinda bigger! I circled around a bit and managed somehow to break free, I ran out of there.
How come when I was up there fast asleep in my puppy nap no-one missed me, yet the minute I'm in the garden they yell my name?
They found the sheet, oops!
They tell me off and wave the sheet in front of me, I give my, oh I won't do it again, puppy face and things seem to be okay.
They must still love me because we all went out for our usual walk, guess what they let me off the lead again today, yippee. Then afterwards they sometimes leave me in the car while they go into the shop. I don't mind I have things to do.
Today though they have found what is it I do do when they are shopping!
At the back of the car, every part is covered by this carpet stuff, well I found that underneath there is a kind of yellow stuffing material and you can pull it out. I find as a bored puppy it passes the time of day. But I've got the feeling I've done something really wrong, this time they seem quite angry. Oh dear, it's only a car, not the house or garden this time, why is the car more important than the house?
Oh no, I've been bad again. Better stay in the garden for a while, wait until they get over it, then I'll go and give them my puppy face look that says I love you.

Thursday, 17 May 2007

Good Puppy Day

As you can see I am still back on the puppy lead, great, at least the sun was shining today. They say I have to learn how to behave around other people, huh, help, all too much these lessons. I need to run.
But I have strange news for you, I haven't done anything wrong all day.
My family just gave me a treat and told me what a good puppydog I am. Wow. Gosh. Amazing.
Does it mean I'm growing up if I didn't even realise I was being good?
I had two puppy walks this morning maybe that was the plan, tire me out!
We went out as usual and then one of my family actually said they wanted some exercise so they took me to the local park.
So yes I have been taking a few puppy naps.
Mind you I got into trouble last night, I'm getting bigger and I can just reach the tops in the kitchen if anything is left on the edge. Well I jumped up and down fell this packet of crisps, they were nice.
But today, mailman came early, lost out there. Everybody watching their breakfast too much, not a look in. Nothing left out, no magazines, nothing to 'nick'. No shoes around, no socks. This house is beginning to get quite boring, they have got too much time on their hands. If they really think they can stay one step ahead of this 'super puppy' every day, well I'd like to see them try. I haven't even seen that stupid cat from next door since the other day, well he got the message.
Just remembered no-one appears to have seen the hole I'm working on in the garden, when I first started and it looked quite impressive I thought, gonna be in trouble now, but not yet and its getting deeper!
I met some children from the neighborhood today, they came into the garden to play, that helps to keep me busy too.
Yes I've had a very nice day and I've been so good, it's boring really, wonder what I can do tomorrow see you then..............

Wednesday, 16 May 2007

Puppy on a lead - again

Someone please help me I'm back on this puppy lead again!
We went out for a walk and can I help it, I like people and people like me. I've learnt that puppies are very popular. So I try to talk to people, but I'm only a little puppy so I have to make myself big and that means I jump up.
Oops I'm back on the puppy lead again.
So the lesson to learn here is that yes people like puppies, but only to smile at and maybe a gentle pat on the head. Certainly not jumped on, leaving muddy paw prints on their coats!
Silly people. I'm just trying to be friendly.
I'm going through this funny puppy stage where everybody else is silly or stupid! I'm perfect of course.
It just seems to me that whatever I do I'm in a no-win situation: I have to stop it, drop it, leave it, put it down, get down, lay down, sit up, get up, give it up, shut up, go outside, come inside, don't do this or don't do that and the best one of all 'can't you go to sleep for a while?'
Maybe I do a few things that perhaps I shouldn't, but I watch the big black dog and she's boring, no life in her at all. Now we puppies have a rule, life is for today, growing up is for tomorrow.
I heard school is nice to make friends, other puppies just like me, no. No way. There just couldn't be any other puppies like me, I'm unique, like a cabbage patch kid, one of a kind. Now having said cabbage patch kids, they live upstairs and apparently if I ever touch one my next home is in heaven. Where's that, near London?
If I want to be free on my walk in the morning I'm going to try and be really really good for the rest of the day..HOW?
Oh there's a magazine I haven't seen before, perhaps just a little read outside. Just to keep me out of the house for a while, you understand.
I'll see you been told that's means. lots of licks!

Tuesday, 15 May 2007

Puppy in a cat fight

Oh boy am I really the worst puppy in the neighborhood today?
This morning I got into terrible trouble!
Well it all started soon after breakfast and I wandered off outside to check the grounds for intruders, I am chief guard puppy after all - it's my job. This is my house and I have to defend it, keep my garden safe from unwanted visitors. There's a big black bird who comes down every morning and pecks at my grass, well I soon see him off.
So there I was on patrol, Chief Inspector Puppydog, sniffing out any unwantables!
When suddenly the big fat cat from next door crossed our garden path, horror, I ran as fast as my little puppy paws could go, I almost caught him.
But then he swerved, cheek, he darted behind the garden shed, if he can get through then so can I. I began to squeeze through to follow when suddenly he lets out this 'hiss' noise, displays all his teeth, they look sharp and swipes a paw at me with these very sharp claws out. I backed away.
He sat behind the shed, I sat looking at him, not one of us moving. A mind game of brilliant puppy v. stupid cat. Who would win, who moved first loses, so I stayed.
I began to get a little tired, this game got boring, he had a lot of stamina, for once I gave up. What was best sitting watching some stupid cat or playing ball games or chasing my puppy tail on the grass, so I decided I had more intelligence and walked away.
A few minutes later the wailing started, what have I done now I thought, looking to the house. But the noise was coming from the shed, it was that stupid cat.
My family came running, with all that noise I thought any minute now the police and fire service will arrive. Our neighbor heard the noise (who didn't!) she came out into her garden. I just stood watching as they all descended on the shed. Why are they looking at me? I didn't tell him to run up there.
It seems that the big FAT cat had got stuck!! ha ha, no I mean poor thing. Well he shouldn't be so fat, exercise would help.
I sat, I watched, I listened, they couldn't make him budge. He was stuck! I thought leave him there, miss a couple of meals he'll slim down and walk out. No, the man from next door came round, I stayed out of his way. He doesn't like puppies! Unbelievable, they took part of the fence down to get him out, decided easier than dismantling the shed. Huh, only a cat! Would they do that for a little puppy like me?
So, down comes fence, out comes cat, he took one look at me, hissed and jumped the other fence to go home.
Now everybody is looking at me, why do they always assume it was my fault. I blame the cat, shouldn't have been trespassing. You have been warned.

Monday, 14 May 2007

Puppy home to trouble

Well 2 blogs in one day, I am a great little puppy!
Back to my usual puppy diary page.
So home from the holidays, oops and didn't take long for me to cause some usual puppy problem (I say problem, they say trouble) (actually I say game!)
This morning they kept me waiting for my walk and well, I got bored. We only went away for a couple of nights so why all the panic about doing the washing. What's so special about washing! There I was taking a puppy nap and minding my own business in the kitchen when I discovered a huge pile of clothes, naturally I thought we were off to the charity shop to give some pieces away. So did it matter if I ran off to the garden with some socks, I don't think so. There was also a pair of.... well something puppies don't talk I left it on the grass.....private things, I don't chew those!
I like socks, I have a thing for feet. One of my favorite games is chewing slippers when the feet are still inside, gives the slipper a little bit more substance!
I had a nice game but the rain returned, trotted off indoors.
Oh we were so lucky another wet walk, I'm beginning to smell, a really damp puppy smell, not nice, even for me to say it!
So day was going well, took a puppy nap.
Shriek, scream from kitchen, what now I thought?
Appears the clothes I found were a washing load, oops now finished and I think they have lost something or two or three or maybe even four, well a few bits.
How come the first place they look is in the garden? I gather the family was not too impressed to see one of their delicate items laid out on the grass for any nosy neighbor to espy over the fence, oops! Further investigation into my favorite puppy hiding place, lead them to the socks, a little holey now, oops again.
And what did they say, how come I was so good on holiday? What's that got to do with it, they didn't do any washing on holiday! I can't win.
Oh it's back home to usual routine, head down in the , oh, I'm such a naughty puppy, I'm so sorry and the cute puppy face look. Always works.
See you tomorrow..........

Puppy holiday

I am so sorry I missed my puppy blog yesterday, I was sleeping, here I was taking a puppy nap and they woke me for a picture!!
I have no excuse except to tell you I went on a HOLIDAY. It was such fun a whole weekend at the sea-side!
I could have had photo's from the beach except to say that it rained all the time!! Never mind for a little puppy it was really great.
I have never seen so much water in all my life and there was a lot of water in the sea as well! I think the sea is quite a coward, it came to get me then as soon as I barked at the water, it just ran away again. I got tired though because this game went on and on and on. This getting wet seems to be happening a lot now, I think I like it?
I ran all over the beach, but those hard stones make it difficult on my little soft puppy paws. I even met a crab, stupid thing must have been drunk, he couldn't even walk straight! I didn't like the way he was snapping at me, so I barked at him.
My family must be crazy, it was pouring with rain and there we were sitting in the car eating ice cream, I like ice cream, dribbles down your paws.
I don't understand why I can try to chase the birds at the beach but have to go on the puppy lead when there are ducks around? They fly too! Those big white long necked ducky things, oh they scare me, not going to chase them.
We stayed in a house that had rabbits in the garden, wonderful, but I never caught one! Had great fun trying though and it did make everybody laugh so.
Apart from digging a hole in our friends garden, I was quite well behaved they said. I had so much to do I was just so puppy tired out all the time.
And now it's back to usual life, wonder what I can do next? Stay posted..........

Saturday, 12 May 2007

Busy Puppy Weekend

I wanted to just check in with you all to report that everything is fine, no I haven't been sent off to Puppy Prison or anything!!
(Although I hear school is like that)
It's been a really busy day, I'm puppydog tired and I will tell you all about it tomorrow.
Bet you can't wait, see you then, I send you lots of love.....

Friday, 11 May 2007

In and out of trouble puppy day

Today has been just one of those days, know what I mean? For a puppy like me, one minute I'm in trouble, next I'm cute I'm told, next minute trouble again. Oh dear!
Apparently I have cost a lot of money this week, something about my eating some bank notes the other day, I can't remember everything I do!
Then this morning all I was doing was having a nice little relaxing puppy nap on the front doormat, when wham, the mailman drops pieces of paper on my head. The family were upstairs, I'm not allowed up there this week, so can I help it if I started to chew on the paper. Okay so I didn't just chew, I had quite a game. Shaking them around and eating a bit, left the plastic one's though.
Went off for a drink, paper eating makes you thirsty and my puppy teeth felt all gummy! As always I heard the usual shriek, don't really take much notice these days, just the humans having a crisis over something! Next thing I know they are waving these pieces of paper in front of me, yes I thought you can play with them now, I've finished with them! They start shouting about a check, what's a check? Must mean something, looks likes I'm in trouble again, I go back to the garden and sit quietly.
I couldn't have been too naughty because they took me on a walk and I behaved myself they said, quite the good puppy today.
When we got back they took my photo and said I was cute. So I must be good after all! Walking makes me tired so I made everybody happy and had a very nice long nap.
It's been raining a lot this week and the door to the garden isn't always open for me, oh dear I got desperate, what's a puppy to do. But I was stupid though because I had to do something and then I went and did a puddle on my blanket, why did I do it there?
Of course I got caught and told off, big time. Said I should ask to go outside, it's wet and cold out there, they don't have to go outside, why should puppies?
But they sent me out there and threw away my blanket, oh silly me. Got to sit on some horrible old sheet now.
But why is life so up and down? Like a tennis ball I bounce from good to bad and back again. Oh where is my tennis ball, I need to play, must go, sun's come out, need to run outside........Oh I think I DO need to run outside.........gotta go..........

Thursday, 10 May 2007

Teaching Puppy New Tricks

Oh what fun!
The house was about to throw out this box but then the big black dog showed me how to destroy things. Just what a little puppy needs to know. You have to learn from your elders, I've never seen such destruction, how can I use this knowledge and when will I get those wonderful big teeth.
It was raining on our walk this morning, damp puppy time! I need a coat. Didn't mind the wet drops too much but it's when you run through the long grass and if you're only little all the wet leaves go everywhere, my tummy's wet and other parts, not nice! All the sticks are soft and chewy, I like them crisp, although not keen when I get bits between my teeth!
Then when we got home I was held until I had the towel treatment first. How long does this rainy time last and where has the sun gone?
It's difficult for a puppy to play in the garden because everything is damp and wet and I get cold, so I came indoors. But it just seems as though everyone is watching me today, what do they think I am going to do? I took a nap.
After lunch they got the hoover out, I really hate that monster. One day when it's not looking I'm going to get it, have to attack from behind mind you because it always sees me coming and always gives me this horrible look. I can hear it saying "I eat Puppies and I'm going to eat you" so I usually run past very very fast. It hasn't got me yet.
Oh No, now they are going to wash the floors, what's the point? It's already wet outside and they want to make it wet inside, stupid. It's totally crazy because they expect me to sit on my blanket till the floor's dry and we all know how long I can sit still for......2 seconds that's it gotta move, gotta run..............arghhhhhhhh....always happens my puppy paws just slip all the way across the floor. Actually it's quite funny, think I'll do it again!
I'm bored, oh they made a pile of door mats, just have a little chew on one.
Didn't get very far with that, oh I don't like today, I need my space, it's like living in a bubble, I can't do anything.
So here I sit and watch them, people are so strange the things they do. Now they are taking down everything they have on display, all of it out of puppy reach, (so far), they give it a hug with a yellow cloth and put it back. What a total waste of time and energy, we could be playing indoor football or something!
Oh being stuck in the house what can I do? Tried to go upstairs, they caught me.
I sit again, what's this a puppy treat, for me? What's the catch, not medicine or something is it? They said I was being so very good today, I can have a reward. Oh!
Well that's gone, so if you're good you just might get a reward that lasts say 3 seconds and that's it. Life's too short for that give me puppy trouble any day. Sun please come out....

Wednesday, 9 May 2007

Muddy Puppy Returns

Oh dear, I did it again.
The muddy puppy returns!
I just couldn't help myself, this morning we went out and after the rain in the night these wonderful puddles have refilled, it's great. I love the feeling you get when your feet can go squelch, squelch. They tend to smell a bit 'iffy' but I can live with that. Isn't it what a puppies life is all about, exploring.
At least I behaved in the car today, yesterday I had an emergency 'poop' oh dear, trouble again. But up until then I've been a good puppy (not counting the mud!)
However I let the side down again when we got home.
They have these awful towels for cleaning puppies feet with, yuk! Don't like that job. So they were cleaning the big black dog first and I saw my opportunity, only problem was I went straight upstairs. Now one of the bedrooms has this pink carpet and the door was open, all I did was pop my head round the door to see if anyone was in there, well there wasn't and I left that room. Took a look elsewhere, no one around, just like the good little puppy I am, I trotted back downstairs.
Oh forgot, they're cleaning us up. Don't know why the big black dog stands for it, so degrading! I am almost an adult puppy now and fully capable of licking myself clean...if I wanted to.
They caught me, at least I didn't have to have a bath, that's really bad and really smelly. After my biscuits I took a nice long nap. Well I was going to but I got disturbed, shrieks from upstairs, I don't understand how you leave footprints, nothing left me, but it seems there are some muddy marks on the carpets. Did I really do that? Wow, that's impressive. You can just walk about and people know where you are...Hmmm...interesting. Must try that out.
When they came down the stairs I got the usual, 'You're in big trouble now' face. I lowered my head.
Thing is sometimes I get into trouble for doing wrong but at least I know what I've done and remember having a good time. Today I'm trouble and all I did was walk about.
Oh life just doesn't seem fair sometimes, does it?
So if it rains tonight, I get into trouble tomorrow do I? I don't get it!

Tuesday, 8 May 2007

Puppy Walking

A plea from a over-lovable puppy!
Help me please, I have been sentenced to a crime I did commit but the punishment is too severe...
This morning as we were about to go for our puppy walk, I saw our neighbour. Now I like him and he likes me. So why did I get into trouble for going to say hello? I will just say that there isn't a road outside our house, just a rural driveway only leads to our 4 houses, so I wasn't in any danger, but I think I got into trouble because they were calling me back and I didn't go. Problem #1
We started out on our walk and we met some people, I am a very friendly, lovable, approachable, sweet & cute puppy (that's what people say!) so naturally I want to talk to everybody I meet. Can I help it if people are too tall and I have to jump up to talk to them? But this morning we met this lady who was not very nice, she liked me at first, then as I jumped up she screamed at me and told me off for being a naughty puppy. Problem #2
I ignored her and on we went, we then met a friendly person who had three dogs, that was fun as we all played together. Then Problem #3 started, I wanted to play some more and I ran back to find them totally ignoring my family calling out my name. I know, I know, I heard them, but I just wanted to play a little bit more and I couldn't find them anywhere, meanwhile my family were shouting for me and I did then turn and go back, but it was too late. They had that dreaded puppy lead out. No, they grabbed my collar, told me off and then tied me up. How can I run now?
So there I was walking on the extended lead, they are really only for little puppies, good job none of my friends saw me they would have laughed.
I keep being told I will learn how to behave when I go to school, I'm dreading this school business.
We arrived home, I sat in my puppy dog bed to eat my biscuits, I couldn't sleep I felt so unhappy. I'm not tired because I didn't have a proper walk and now I am so worried. How long will I have to walk on that awful lead? Oh I want to be so good. Help me please...............

Monday, 7 May 2007

Hungry Puppy

Like the picture?
Did I fool you, I was such a hungry puppy!
I love to fool people when they come to the house, I leave the bread stick on the floor and several people think it is real, then I pick it up and they believe I have stolen the bread. Ha Ha only my toy.
Everybody in my house had the day off today, something about a bank holiday, what's a bank? But it put everyone in a good mood, they didn't even tell me off that much when I managed to steal and make off with a piece of toast this morning!
They just laughed and called me a cheeky puppy. Good they are finally getting the message.
We had a long run on our puppy walk today, they had this idea to tire me out, didn't work for me, but they complained about feeling tired. On arriving home they had morning coffee and biscuits and gave me one, oh why can't every day be so peaceful and happy for little puppies like me?
However peace didn't last long, I just had to spoil my perfect day.
There were some house jobs to be done and they went out to open the shed up, I love to get into the shed, kind of forbidden territory. Wood planks, ladders, hammers, screws and all sorts of equipment came out, wow all that empty space for me to play, puppy heaven. As always they kept nagging me about being careful. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. I found a plastic flower pot, played for a while but it soon surrendered to me and spilt right down the middle. Back to the hunting ground, sniffed around and found this great large smelly bag full of what looked like black dirt. I started to scratch at it and soon the dirt was flowing out, my nose was covered in this powder, achoo, a large puppy sneeze left me and blew the dust all around the shed. I backed away from the mess, thought it time for a quick retreat. Only problem was I backed into a stacked pile of paint pots, they fell over missing me by only inches, this puppies life was spared by my quick thinking as I ran from the shed. One of the paint pots knocked over a plastic bottle of brush cleaner, this broke and the liquid started to pour all over the floor. Oh Boy, suddenly a chain of events had happened far beyond my control, all I did was to sniff the black dirt, I never caused any of the other trouble. But guess who is going to get the blame. I ran from the shed so fast and flew to the furthest part of the house I could get to.
It seemed like an eternity but it was really only a few seconds before the usual scream came.
I say it every day why am I such a big bad puppy always in such trouble?

Sunday, 6 May 2007

Anyone for Puppy Tennis?

Welcome to my weekend.
I just love to steal the families tennis ball's, great way to make them chase me.
Don't you think I look such a leggy puppy today, I'm growing up.
Couple of weeks they say I start puppy school, well we'll see!
I haven't been in too much trouble today, I think I've been more annoying. I have this habit of chewing on a brick, the grinding noise drives the family mad, apparently they think it is bad for puppy teeth. I'm just sharpening them!
Whenever they sit at their desk's I like to chew on the round wheels underneath them, that drives them nuts too!
There's always the space under the stairs, they keep spare puppy blankets there, I love to pull them out, another way to get attention.
I chew the coffee table legs, the dining table legs, the big black dog's legs!
Put it this way there's a lot I can do to get noticed.
I need help, I get bored so easily and they hate it when I cause trouble, so why don't they play more. Going on walks and odd games in the garden is not enough.
They kept talking about some election or other, I say let Puppies Unite, Puppies Rule. We should be the bosses and humans should be our pets, we could make them play until we are tired. Make them notice our plight!
After yesterday's little bit of trouble I got into they seem to have extra eyes on me, what can I do?
We went for a walk but all that running about didn't tire me out, I've tried playing ball games but the big black dog just gave up.
I have another new trick for attention, our water bowl is kept outside, something about too much splashing, so I like to put my foot in it and tip it over. They have to come then and refill it, I usually approach them with a toy, sometimes it works and they throw it for me.
A Sunday afternoon, they laze about but wait here comes some visitors, yippee children, got to go I have someone who wants to play.
See you tomorrow...........

Saturday, 5 May 2007

Puppy causes trouble again

Hi everybody.
Well my day started wonderfully, as you can see out on a run through the countryside. I honestly thought as a little puppy I was actually getting a lot bigger now but here I am running past sprouting ferns that already are taller than me. How long does it take a puppy to grow?
Now the thing is up until the walk I had been behaving myself, quite the perfect puppy, then on the way home we had to stop at the supermarket while the family ran in for, what ever is it they run in for!!
So the big black dog and I are left in the car and then, oh no, I got this desperate need to poop somewhere. What do you do? I had no choice I left it in the corner, the big black dog looked at me in disgust, well it wasn't my fault, when a puppy has to go, a puppy has to go!!
I thought perhaps they wouldn't notice it, half covered by a piece of blanket. Got that wrong, they returned opened the door and screamed my name. Seems humans have noses after all.
When we got home I knew I was in trouble, no immediate puppy biscuits, they made me wait until after they had disinfected the back of the car. So annoying I hadn't had an accident slip up like that for over a couple of weeks.
I decided to keep out of sight for a while, let them quieten down for a bit and trotted off to the garden, I usually find the odd chore to do out there. Dig some new holes, chew on the fencing, scratch under the gate, find that watering can: the handle's really chewy.
Later I wandered back into the house, the family were busy eating their lunch in the kitchen, I tried my 'I am a cute puppy please feed me face' didn't work today. Walking through the hall I spotted something on a chair that I didn't know what it was, but it smelt good. About half the size of a thin book and smelling of dead animal skin. I sniffed, nobody saw me so I picked it up and walked slowly back into the garden. As I started to chew it something magical happened, it kind of clicked and opened up, there were all these little pieces of paper inside. So I played with these for a while, ate a couple of them but preferred to return to the animal skin. Very soft and playful and rattled like a puppy's toy, as I bit through the magic came again and out popped all these round metal disc things. I think I swallowed one of the small one's but didn't like that very much. By then I felt quite tired and went indoors for a nap.
The family had finished their lunch and were all looking around the house, what are they doing I wondered. One of them pointed to me, 'have you seen my wallet?' I honestly looked back with a blank look on my face, what's a wallet?
The scream only took about another five minutes to come, oh boy, it would appear my last game was pretty bad, I didn't know it was just another game. So here I find myself lying in bed feeling quite sorry for myself. Am I really the worse puppy in town and why am I always in trouble?

Friday, 4 May 2007

Puppy Walking

I have a question, why is it when we are out and meet friends everyone thinks I'm such a cute puppy & so sweet, but at home they call me big trouble?
Today they asked me why do I spend every waking moment looking for mischief? Apparently every time I walk through a room I cannot help but look for something to take and play with. It's true I know I do.
But you know what's it's like, you pass the waste paper bin, any puppy with a decent nose would sniff in there, instinct. On the couch could be crumbs. Always be on the alert I say to myself, people become lazy, I gain so many items, not all eatable though!
And I'm growing, they don't seem to realise how much higher I can reach now.
This week they have been having a real go at me for jumping up, but I love to show how tall I am. Who will stop first, their nagging me or will I have to stop, no, never.
Had a lot of fun out on our walk today, now that they let me off that intolerable puppy lead for a little while I get the chance to run and battle the big black dog for sticks. She's a bit mean though, never wants to give up a stick, so I usually bite her leg!
Our walk today was further away which meant a longer car journey, boring, but I play this fun game and stare at the cars behind us. Everyone is a sucker for a puppy, funny to see how many smile at me, some even wave, oh yes as if I could wave back. Gosh if I could how many car accidents would that cause!
We arrived home and the mailman had delivered late, so it was such fun as we all tried to pick up the letters first, but I got one and raced fast for the garden, no, they hadn't opened the door yet, okay so they won that round!
I've been bored this afternoon, some days I manage to get hold of all sorts of things, but today, not much. No food around, no magazines to chew, not even a remote control box. I have my toys but that's not exciting enough for me. I'm a living breathing healthy puppy, I have to find something to do. So I took a nap but all that did was gave me more energy. I played in the garden, but there's not much left out there to play with.
Came in and my luck was in, someone had got out the sewing box. It was quiet and I had a poke around, found a plastic bag full of stringy things on round wheely things. Gosh they unwind well and all those colors very pretty if I do say it myself. I took my find to the garden, hadn't been out there 2 seconds when the usual scream came from the house. Ooops, caught again.
So here I am with very little to report, hopefully normal service will be restored tomorrow. Someone said it is the weekend, I love the weekend, the house is full of people and we all know how stupid people can be. See you tomorrow.

Thursday, 3 May 2007

Squeaky Clean Puppy

After yesterday's filthy puppy picture I thought you should see me today. Don't I scrub up well! And to keep my family happy I stayed clean on the entire walk - BORING!
Actually it was amazing that they took me on a puppy walk after what I did at breakfast time. Well you see I like to be out in the kitchen with my family, closeness, bonding, love, affection, okay okay I like to be close to the food! But they keep complaining and nagging me that I'm always under their feet, I can't help being a little puppy! Well, what they are always talking about happened, one of them fell over me, oops. I saw him coming and managed to dodge out of the way, oh I'm quick. It was over in a flash and before I knew it there was a body flying about and hurrah, corn flakes. Now I felt sorry for him, he wasn't hurt, just bruised his butt, it was only a little bruise, believe me you don't want to see that picture, not a pretty sight!
The funny thing was I had always wanted to take a bite of corn flakes, they eat these milky things every morning and I've never tasted any of them. So I got quite excited when these flakes were scattered all over the kitchen floor. Faster than a speeding bullet I was in, they don't call me 'the fastest puppy in the west' for nothing. I lapped them up, then yuk! Horrible. Why do you humans touch the stuff, no thanks.
But the damage has been done I have been banished from the kitchen, how are they going to keep me out, the door is never closed and more importantly what about my puppy meals? Do I get to eat dinner in the bathroom?
I thought I'd better hang low for a while and trotted off to the garden, oh I spotted a new plant coming up, where did that come from,.......not there now...... Strange time of year I keep seeing all these new shoots poking their little heads up, like target practice, got 'em! Another one bites the dust!
By the time we got back from our 'clean' walk I was dog-tired. To please them I took a nice long dog-nap. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Wednesday, 2 May 2007

Hydrotherapy for Puppies

Wow, do you like my new wellies?
If I model these puppy boots would I go down the dogwalk?
But if you saw me like this would you tell me off? A poor sweet adorable little puppy like me.All I did was follow the big black dog into the most lovely soft squelching puddle of mud, it was glorious. Next I hear is my name being screamed, why is it only me they are calling. So we both run back, didn't we look good, like the obedient little puppy I am we set off down the path again. However I just couldn't resist one last splash, I ran back to the pool, oh boy puppy heaven. They called, I ignored them. I couldn't decide which they were more cross about, me back in the mud or my not coming back to them. Guess I have to learn my lessons! Ugh who wants to obey? Not going to be much fun!
I tried so hard to run through the long grass and some of it came off, not enough though. When we got back to the car they didn't even want to pick me up to put me in. I began to feel bad.
But we got home and everything seemed back to normal, they gave me my usual biscrok biscuits after my walk, lots of water to drink, I think they have forgiven me, I think they still love me.......No they don't.....what's this....No...not the tub of water and a towel, a bath. They always make me look so baby puppy fluffy and smell really funny. I hate baths.
It's probably pay back for what I did in the night, I had to go outside as usual about 6am, but I couldn't get back to sleep. So I started having a little sniff around, I found this tube thing, smelt interesting and began to chew. I didn't know what was going to happen next, but somehow the tube got stuck on my tooth and by now I had this smelly stuff in my mouth, I've smelt this before I think on my families hands, why they put it there I really don't know. However I had to shake and shake my head to try and release the tube, but the more I shook the more this creamy stuff came out, it went everywhere, over the carpet, up the wall, on the curtains. I got it free but by now I was quite sleepy so I laid down and got back to sleep. When the family woke up they praised me for letting them have a bit longer in bed, I thought gosh I am a good puppy dog. I trotted off up the garden, then the usual sound of my name being screamed again. Must I always be in trouble?
I did my usual came back in the house head lowered with my 'Oh I'm so sorry puppy eyes' was told never to do it again. If only I could talk to them I would tell them I would never do that again it tasted awful. Thinking back it was quite funny though.
So I firmly believe this bath is my pay back, but I usually win when I'm all wet anyway, I like to shake and the bubbles and water goes all over them so who was the bath for in the first place? I do hope we go up there again tomorrow - mud v. bath. Yep I'd do it all again!

Tuesday, 1 May 2007

Puppy gets caught

Ooops, I got caught! Well it had been shopping day and there were so many bags around I just couldn't help myself and took a look inside. I was trying to find the puppy food, before I knew it my legs got stuck.
I heard some news today they say I am soon going to go to puppy training school, surely I am too young to be sent off to school. Will it be lots of work and homework I bet. Help! I will report here what happens.
Today I found another new supply of things to nick - pens, only problems was they soon found out pens were going missing. Funny really because they had started putting them up on the bookcase, ha ha, found them, nothing stops me. But what really bothered me was the way they knew instantly it was me and where to look. Have to find another new area for my stash!
I became a guard puppy dog today, there were some children at the back of our garden, I could hear them, not see them when suddenly one of them jumps very high to try to see the puppy (that's me), as I saw him I barked very loudly, well it made me jump and I raced into the house, actually I was a little bit scared (don't tell them) but they praised me so I felt so grown up and important. Is this my role to be a guard puppy dog. Then I will guard my fence, be warned!
But why don't they like me jumping up, every time I do I get told Get Down. I'm only a little puppy of course I want to be bigger.
I wonder how long it takes a puppy to grow, I'm getting a little tired of being so small. When I meet new friends out on my walks they always seem so much bigger than me and some get quite excited and then I get knocked over. Oh this morning's walk was lovely through the long grass, I love to run and let the grass tickle my nose, its very funny, then I somersault through the buttercups and end up tangled in my lead! Life is good. Must snooze..............