Monday, 30 April 2007

A Puppies Life is Great!

Oh Life is so great for a little puppy like me. I have no worries today.
Let me tell you a story of my day, it all started at 4am when I had to get the family up so I could go outside. Getting back to sleep for an active puppy like me was completely useless, so I looked at the newspaper they had put down for me to use in the night, why do they bother I never use it prefer to go outside, so I created a bit of origami, only teeth chewing instead of folding, looked good though.
After breakfast I managed to get to the postman first, they don't know it yet but there is still one letter they never got back from me, it's under the stairs, hidden in my puppy blanket, I'll check it out later.
Had a wonderful walk running through all the bluebells, chased a couple of people riding bicycles through the wood, they shouldn't be allowed. I tried to get all the sticks I could off that big black dog, she's an idiot, lets me take them, more fool her.
Found one of the last muddy puddles, my puppy feet are a little sticky, smell good though!
At home I've been busy, I knocked over the biscuit barrel this morning, Goody, I was fast got away with a few.
Stole a slipper, but they noticed it missing tonight, oh dear just a little chewed and a little soggy.
I love to dive down the waste paper bin, they still haven't stopped using it yet, Why? They should know what I'm like, anyway found a sweety wrapper, not much chocolate left on it.
When a man rang the doorbell I managed just to squeeze through and like a flash started to bite the flower heads off in the front garden. Well there aren't any left in the back, what's a puppy to do?
The tissue box has been put up high out of my reach, however the minute someone leaves the loo door open, I'm in, I've discovered the loo roll. That's funnier than the tissue box but I can't get it outside to play properly.
I had a good day for squeaky toys, when the family start shouting at me to stop then I know I've had a good day even if it is noisy in my ears.
And the best trick of the day, getting into the rubbish bin. Not often the top is up, success today, mind you I don't like coffee beans, found a couple of baked beans, they're okay. I just like to eat. Isn't it my dinner time yet? All this talk of food I'm getting hungry, think I'll wander off see what I can find to eat...............

Sunday, 29 April 2007

Back to Puppy in Trouble

Hi everyone I'm back from a lovely puppy walk, I like nothing more than running in the countryside and chewing whatever fits in my mouth. (Bit like being at home really!)
I'm 14 weeks old now and getting into so much more trouble it seems. I've got a lot bigger, am I still just a puppy?
I can't help being inquisitive that's my word for it, but my family asks why do I always cause so much bother?
Take this morning, why do puppies have to sit on the floor and why is the couch so important to them, they always sit in their special seats and designated places. It makes perfect sense to me to check out these seats whenever they leave the room, but I have to be quick. I got caught today, they turned round and there I was up on the couch discovering they now hide the tv guide behind the cushions. I tried to run outside with it but nope, they got me. They must also be very cold people and lucky enough to buy a couch with heated seats because when they leave their place it's always so lovely and warm and they expect me, a poor little baby puppy to sit on a cold blanket, huh!
After the other day when I got the tissue box I learnt an important lesson, puppies don't eat tissues, however I also knew that this game was fun. They bought another box, I couldn't help it, I stole it. I always take all my special findings to the garden, where I can play undisturbed. But I got caught out with the tissue box. It was fun though except all the evidence was shredded and blowing in the wind, the garden was covered in white ticker tape. How did they know it was me? Could have been the big black dog!
When we go out in the car we have this big plastic bottle of water, so that we can have a drink after our walk and boy do I get thirsty. Mind you they won't let me drink very much, only a sip, worried about me doing a puppy puddle in the car. Might? Anyway, the bottle was empty this morning so they brought it indoors and refilled for tomorrows walk. I found it in the hall stood by the front door. Ooops. I also found out that my little sharp puppy teeth bites through plastic, I got my feet wet, so I ran very quickly to the garden before I heard the scream. Well at least the hall has wood flooring and it is very clean now!!
I try to do my bit to help to keep the house clean, I love to wash behind the loo, but every job I do they try to stop me. Is there no pleasing these people?
Oh yes my life is certainly very busy, so much to do, so little time in a day to fit it all in. But I get tired so I'm off for a little puppy nap now. See you tomorrow..........

Saturday, 28 April 2007

Puppies Day out

I have to say I am sorry for today this will be a very short post from your favourite puppy, me. The sun was shinning and my family took me on a picnic with them. We walked for miles and miles and miles, I am now so very tired. We had wonderful fun I chased butterflies & bee's, okay I know I shouldn't! Being the artful puppy that I am I managed to grab one sandwich off the picnic rug, that was fun, trying to run so fast away from them and to eat it before they caught me, I won!!
We came home late, I gobbled my dinner, I was so hungry after all that exercise and then had a nice long contented puppy nap, so not much time for my blogging. But I will see you all tomorrow. .....Goodnight...............Zzzzzzzzzzzz

Friday, 27 April 2007

Puppies Games

don't try this at home:
I just ate a box of tissues - don't even attempt it, makes you throw up again!
Just lately everything I do comes back up again, why do all the exciting things in the world not be suitable for puppies to eat?
Oh a puppies life is so tough, I have to make my family play with me, it's good for their health. If the big black dog won't play I just start biting her leg, that always gets a game going. But sometimes she's asleep and then that means there is an awful large amount of time that a puppy has to fill somehow.
So maybe I get into trouble now and then. Like the tissue box, whenever there is something which is used a lot and always taken out of my reach naturally the one moment they let their guard down. I'm in, I never miss a trick. Got caught out in this one though, those tissues didn't even put up a fight, bit soft and yucky! Next thing I know they're back on the floor again.
Life as a puppy is picking up a bit though, the humans are beginning to slip up or am I just getting too clever for them, this morning on our walk I managed to jump from the car and race into the trees with big black dog, ha ha, they didn't have time to catch my collar to put that awful lead on me, I was free. For a few minutes I could run... then they tricked me, called me over, I fell for it, next thing I know back on the puppy extended lead again. Wait a couple of days I'll try it again when they are not expecting it. Sneaky hey!
I've got this stash of pegs they don't seem to know about, I've hidden them in the garden, Surely they must want them, I keep collecting them in the house and store them outside, but those games are never fun if they don't rush round chasing me for them. It will happen, always does.
They are not keen on one of my new games, I have found where they keep spare blankets for the car, so I like to drag them outside for me to sit on instead of hard grass, but that game they try to stop and continue putting them back indoors. It's getting quite bothersome having to keep on dragging them back out there. Who will tire first? Puppy v. Humans!
Did you know if you grab that tv control box thingy you can change channels, and if you get the video box thingy you can restart the film you were watching which they paused when going to the kitchen, huh huh! It is fun though to take the little pieces of paper index out of the video boxes, half chew them & leave on the floor, then you can laugh while they have to work out which video box tape has their favourite taped programme on.
Well I'm feeling kind of sleepy now, all these games make me a very tired puppy. Zzzzzzzzzzz

Thursday, 26 April 2007

Puppy's back in charge!

Hi there, I'm back.
That was so rude yesterday, there I was a tired little puppy, took a nap after lunch and the big black dog decides its time to nick my puppy blog. Well I don't think we want to hear from her again do we, so I'm back in charge!
This is a stupid picture looks as through I'm playing hoop-la, got in trouble there because I've broken the pink one, tough! or rather it wasn't! The garden hardly has any grass, they say because its been so dry lately, well I'm doing my puppy bit to keep it wet, but the grass isn't growing!
I have been quite good today so far, I know this morning I was in trouble for stealing some one's toast, well fancy putting it down on the coffee table just at puppy height and then going back to the kitchen, that's just asking me to nick it. Mind you I won't be taking it tomorrow, it had this black stuff on it, think they called it marmite, anyway it was yucky! I quite like cream cheese but sausage and bacon is my favourite to pinch from them at breakfast time.
On our walk this morning I went for a paddle in the stream, oops, the water is getting quite low now and a bit muddy, they don't really mind when I get muddy feet, but you know what kind of puppy I am, I had to go and lie down in it. I was a little dirty! Funny how when you sleep it kind of falls off and when you get up there's this large black dirty dust mark. I walk away and look at the big black dog, she did it!
I've made this hole in the garden fence, I can see through to next door but my family is not to pleased about it, they are talking about mending it, No...... There's a sweet little girl next door, she likes puppies and she talks to me, so isn't it nice to be neighbourly, but they also have a pet I've discovered. I've seen it lazing in the sun, a big furr ball of fluff. I tried to bark at it the other day but it hasn't answered me yet. Just wait until it comes across my garden I will investigate, tell him who's boss and chase him off. So far I'm quite good at that job, keeping the garden clear of any intruders, I must have chased off at least 200 birdy's already!
Oh I think I can hear the local boy coming on his bicycle, yes he's going to send a newspaper through the door again, he does that every week and if I'm quick I can usually get there first, I like to read the paper first it's another one of my jobs. I'm a very busy little puppy I have a lot of work to get through in a day. What would they do without me?

Wednesday, 25 April 2007

Substitute 'Puppy' Blogger

Ssssshhh...............that darn puppy is asleep and I thought it was time that I should speak with you. My time to give you the lowdown on what life is really like in this house since she arrived.
I will never forget the day the puppy came into my life. If I was to raise a puppy why did they give me the operation?
My next big question is why a Golden Retriever what's wrong with Black Labs, I thought they loved me?
Okay so there was a Golden living here when I was a little puppy and I loved her dearly and very sad when she left us, I miss her greatly and always longed for the day when another 'dog' could join our family. But no we had this puppy, what a life changing event that was.
Sleep is now out of the question. The old days of resting, forget that too. My new nickname is soon to be tripod, for I'm sure I'm about to lose a leg, all she ever does is chew and try to bite my leg off, and it does hurt. Believe me puppy teeth are razor sharp.
But the trouble she gets into, I never did half of what she does and she gets away with most of it. She steals food regularly, never gives me any. Chews up magazines, birthday cards, slippers, carpets, you name it. Sometimes they scream and cry out her name but is she ever punished, no way! They seem to think its funny and cute, its not.
On a walk she does nothing but steal my sticks, god help the world when she is finally let off the lead, they have this extended puppy lead so she can run and I can get decapitated and docked, wonderful.
When they are not looking she puddles on my blanket, yes my blanket! I'm not sleeping there again.
When she arrived they told me I would always be number 1 dog, does that work now, no way. She gets her dinner first, although I will admit if she didn't she would eat mine.
I try to stay out of her way, if she is on a charge through the garden, watch out she heads for your stomach. On our games she bites me, attacks me and growls, I suffer terribly but if the play turns a little rough its always me who gets into trouble and told to "calm down, she's only a baby puppy!" Huh!
However, if I turn my head now I can see her sleeping so peacefully, she does look quite cute and I suppose it is nice to have a 'daughter/sister' for company. But I just wish she could grow up a little quicker.
It was very nice to meet you all and I thank you for your time tomorrow will be back to normal, as always she has a lot to say (she never stops)
Watch out...she's waking up...I'd better head off to the top of the favourite hiding place.................

Tuesday, 24 April 2007

Puppy back in trouble - AGAIN!

Oh dear I didn't stay good for very long. When you are just an inquisitive little puppy it seems so normal to be in trouble all the time. How can I possibly be good without being boring?
My problems all started very early this morning when every one was asleep, why do they stay in bed so long, when there is so much to do and puppies to play with? They lose a lot of time in that bed, so its not all my fault.
When the sun comes out to play with puppies,I am wide awake, I need to do something, this morning I found some interesting packets at the bottom of the bookshelves, the humans thought putting a chair in front of the bookcase would stop a healthy growing puppy looking, No way! I sniffed around and found some plastic sleeve thingy's. Made a good rustling noise and even that didn't wake them, so serves them right, I was hungry. I started chewing and eating the corners, not that tasty. Oh no, next thing I knew my tummy felt that funny way again, I'm always in trouble when that happens, so I went under the desk, yuk.... got rid of that horrible taste. Perhaps they won't see it at the back?
I'm bored, time to wake them, start the usual, puppy whine...puppy whine... I want to go outside. Jump up the side of their bed, usually scratches their arm, come on get up.
They shout something about 5:50, what does that mean, come on... but it worked we go downstairs.
I'm out in the garden checking my territory, I hear my name being screamed, oops...think they found my little problem. Yep here they come, not amused. Which was worse, what I chewed or what I left under the desk? Can't tell!
After breakfast they always leave the back door open for me to run about freely, now at the back door they have this stupid door curtain thing, they talk about keeping the flies out, I don't know how that works but I know this crazy hanging beady thing hits my little puppy nose every time I go through. So this morning I had had enough, time for the kill. I discovered all you had to do was bite the bigger bell shape beady thing at the bottom and hey presto all the others just came flying off, it was so funny!! I bite a couple off and there were these long stringy pieces just hanging there. It was such fun to get revenge for all the times these beads hit me, I did a couple more, the doormat was covered in beady thingy's, I flew through the string curtain, very nice, very soft and I began to feel quite tired so I took a little puppy nap in the garden.
Oh Man...... I was asleep......don't they ever get tired of shouting my name. Come on the whole neighbourhood will hear you. Ooops judging by their faces I think they liked their beady curtain, oh dear wrong decision again.
But they must be forgiving me because we are going out again, I love to go out on a puppy walk, helps to get rid of all my pent up energy, I need to run.
Only one human took me today and afterwards we went straight home, never mind, I'll have some lunch and a little snooze.
No.......................what have they done while I have been out, somebody has put all those beady things back on the strings again! Bonk...on my nose again! My work is never done all those to do again. I'll just have my little nap and get back to work....sometimes I sound so human....No...........................

Monday, 23 April 2007

Puppies walk

This is what I call puppy heaven, I have had a wonderful day. I wish this field was my lawn at home!
Today I went for a walk along the largest piece of water I have ever seen! They wouldn't let me jump in or even get my tiny puppy feet wet and I did try. It couldn't have been that deep because I saw some animals and the water only went a couple of inches up their legs. I barked at them and they did this weird noise kind of 'quack quack' .
It was a very strange place there were these cars driving along the water, only they didn't have doors, windows & roofs, and the people were standing where the seats would normally go. Don't know what those were?
I got a little worried when we crossed over the water, there was this bridge but I think it needs fixing. Every other piece of board was missing and my poor little puppy paws kept falling through the holes, I could have drowned!!
From the water way place we came home through a farm, wow. Didn't that place smell good! There was this field with a lot of funny looking dogs in it, they had white curly hair and were very very fat. There was something wrong with their barking, all they could get out was not learnt to talk yet I suppose? And my goodness me haven't they ever heard of a diet, they were HUGE, so big they could hardly waddle in the field. Lazy things. I heard someone say the word Lamb....didn't understand that...I'll just have to come back next week and see if anybody has given these fat lumps any exercise, perhaps the farm dog could make them run around a bit, that would help.
Ugh.. just saw a pig, don't like pigs, not at all. Never want to have anything to do with a pig in my life, not ever, not in my puppy life....Hmmmm I'm hungry I just thought of those sausages & ham tasty bites I found in the fridge the other day, wonder what's in there today.
Quick, quick, walk fast, got to get past this pond, hurry. There are two very nasty looking gooses looking at me and I'm only a little puppy...Help!
Wow, that was close.
Oh, we have come to the end of the lane, there's the car, do we have to go home, please can we stay longer, I plead and plead with my puppy eyes but no they lift me up and I'm back in the car again. Maybe just a little nap on the way home....Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Sunday, 22 April 2007

Today - top Puppy

Hi everyone, I have such good news today. I was told that I have been a super puppy one of the best!! How's that you may well ask, knowing what I am like.
To start with I was a very good puppy at home, I know I got everyone up early again but I didn't shred the paper through the night or pull the cushions to the floor for chewing.
Later we went for a walk where I was on my best behaviour, no biting the lead or excessive pulling. I have a boyfriend now, a collie, I saw him again today, we play it's fun.
After lunch and my puppy nap, we had family visitors. 2 little children came, they were fun. The little boy wanted to play ball all the time, the only problem there was that he wanted to play even more than I did, I got tired so I wandered off to find the little girl. She was so sweet and she kept giving me little treats. I liked that.
So I followed her around for as much as I could, if she wasn't feeding me then she was dropping sweets, heaven!
At tea time I sat beneath her high chair, it was food from the gods. So much kept falling from her tray, I gobbled it up fast before anyone could notice. I have to say I wish I lived at their house.
When they left, our house seemed very quiet, then I was so surprised when my family picked me up for a cuddle and told me just how good I had been today.
It's nice sometimes to be good but if I think about my day nothing very exciting happened, maybe I don't really want to be that good everyday, its just not me.
Back to normal tomorrow, lets see what I can find to do then?

Saturday, 21 April 2007

Puppies - Jekyll & Hyde ??

Oh dear, my day started so well, like a good little puppy I only got my family up once in the night. I tried so hard to stay in bed until 7 but it didn't quite work out that way, so we got up 6:30, they seemed happy enough.
I gobbled my breakfast down , complied with all the garden puppy puddle requests, I even managed a little nap while they had their breakfast. Almost seemed I could do no wrong. We had a nice morning walk, I challenged the big black dog to a stick and I won!! Yeah Puppies Rule.
Coming home from all that fresh air and exercise, I ran like crazy, I took another nap! Did man decide to walk puppy dogs just to tire them out so we would go to sleep?
I awoke in time for lunch, I just love to eat, 3 meals a day, this house is great.
So I had a fantastic morning but somehow it all went wrong after family always gives me my lunch first, I think they have this notion that I will sleep through theirs (fat chance!) Anyway, I came back indoors after being sent outside following my lunch, why do they do that, the food isn't going to appear out that fast? But I went into the kitchen there was no-one around, I think I heard footsteps upstairs.
I looked, I blinked, I couldn't believe what I was seeing, the refrigerator door was open and this little light was guiding me towards it. My nose began to sniff like it has never sniffed before. Heaven...
They had so much food on this plate, was it meant for me? I found some ham, some sausages, some bacon, some turkey, some cheese, something called porky pies. Oh boy I just couldn't stop myself it was wonderful, didn't like that cheese stuff and the plastic covering tasted pretty awful. Wow, never knew food could be so delicious. If they have this in the fridge, why am I being fed puppy food from a can?
I took a chicken leg to the garden, thought it would be nice to enjoy in the sunshine. I began to feel quite full up and started to feel sleepy when I heard the noise from indoors. Suddenly they were shouting my name, but not in a loving way, I've heard this tone before (many times!) Ooops I think I may have done wrong again, something said about eating their salad, well I didn't eat their salad, I just found some meat!
They came looking for me, I lowered my head I've learnt what to do, they think it means 'Oh look she's sorry' yeah right, to me it means 'I got found out again' . I really believe this time I am in big trouble.
Next thing I knew my tummy didn't feel so good.....oh I feel was a strange sensation as all that food came back up again. Now I'm in double trouble. They have to clear up the garden.
Somehow though being bad got me off the hook, I'll just lay low for a few minutes while they forget what happened.
I feel better, oh what's that smell, there's the front door going, yippee some one's been out for fish'n'chips. Cute puppy face needed... can I have chippie please??

Friday, 20 April 2007

Do puppies need to sleep?

Hello everyone,
I'm in trouble again but I need your advice. How many puppies out there actually sleep all night long with no potty breaks?
I can't help it, I'm only a little puppy & I have to puddle and poop in the night, my family puts down paper for me to go on. Yuk...have they ever tried that...disgusting. I don't use the house for that, but they seem to want to face cleaning that up every morning rather than letting me out when I need to go!
What is so wrong with getting up 2 or 3 times a night, they go back to bed. Me, I lie there wide awake wanting to play, but no, its always back indoors then, back to bed. Huh. Look if the Dog God gave me a little bladder then he wants me to have company through the night.
I'm only thinking of their carpet, if my puddle soaked through the paper, oh I would be in more trouble then.
And do you know what other ill treatment they are doing to me, they take away my water bowl before bedtime, as if that would stop my puppy puddles - idiots! Call the Puppy Police.
Why do humans have this fascination with sleep and why do they have to do it all in one go? Much better if they slept on and off throughout the day like me, In fact why don't they play when I'm ready to and sleep when I do. We would all be happy then.
Makes perfect sense to me.
But the one thing that makes no sense at all is trying to make me perform to order and while they are watching me! If its time to go out, something about they don't want me to do anything in the car, they take me to the garden and say stupid things like, come on puddle, hurry up. Wish I could say it to them, lets see how well they would perform on demand with viewers!
I've seen the big black dog pretend, she gets away with it. She squats, nothing comes out and they say well done.
Oh if I only had one wish - I want to grow up, life as a puppy is getting very hard and very complicated.
See you tomorrow...............

Thursday, 19 April 2007

Puppy walks on water

Boy did I have a good puppy walk today, what news I have!

I've discovered that some wet stuff is flowing out of the fields, where does it go? We have this wet stuff at home in their water room, but the wet stuff there smells very funny not like this, this smells good, good enough for puppies like me.

I looked at it and thought, oh jump straight in, it tried hard to carry me down the stream but I fought hard & won. I couldn't quite drink it all, but it was very very deep, just look at the picture and my feet got very wet and dirty. Good job my Mummy can't see me now, what would she say? I wasn't allowed to chase after the water, it went under a bridge and they stopped me, spoilsports! Puppies are born explorers, don't they know that!
I wonder if there is anywhere else with wet stuff like this, do you think there could be anything bigger, no way.
Then my family dragged me out, huh I was having such fun, but its funny trying to walk with soggy paws and all the dirt sticks to you, great. I love it, at least for once I smell like a good puppy should. I like going out there's so much to explore.
We walked through the fields and back to the car, why do we have to go home in the car, we could just walk home, I don't need to be driven anywhere!
But what is up with my family, we got back to the car and they had a towel for me and they had the nerve to clean my feet before I was allowed to sit in the back of their precious car. How dare they, now my lovely smelly feet are all clean again. They don't clean the big black dogs feet? I bet its because I am cleverer then her, I can jump over the back and sit on the back leather seats, far more comfortable. The family doesn't like this and I try hard not to get caught, I'm quite good at jumping back again and very fast. But I did slip up the other day. they went to the supermarket and caught me asleep on the back seat, oops got told off, so I jumped over. Then they went for petrol, they call it, left me again. I thought yes over, it was a bit awkward with the shopping bags there but I managed. Oh no, they were only gone two minutes and I was caught again. Apparently I squashed the bread and a quiche (whats a quiche?) Never mind they still seem to love me, almost seems as though I can do anything I want.....ha...ha...?

Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Puppy Walkies

Isn't life great for a super puppy like me, I run here, I run there....but why oh why do they insist on putting me on this ridiculous long puppy cord thing. It just gets me tied up in knots! Here I am stuck, not for the first time either. If I am going to run around a tree at least they could follow me, then we wouldn't end up in this mess.
It is such fun out here, so much grass, who ever lives here is so lucky what a big garden they have and all those trees, wish my garden was this big, goes on for miles.
And the sticks, who planted these here, thousands of them, going to take me a while to chew through all of these. Perhaps they could take some home for me for later, I would like that.
I have smelt some funny smells through, what makes this kind of smell? I found some holes but they won't let me go down into the hole to find out. Strange place for other dogs to live! Saw a funny type of puppy dog, must have had an accident when it was born, its front legs were much shorter than its back ones and it was kind of hopping around and you should have seen the ears on it, very odd. If I can see it again tomorrow perhaps I could try to play with it?
And its dangerous for a puppy out here too, I hurt my foot today. I kept licking it but no-one took much notice of me. I looked at what I had trodden on, spikey nasty thing, think some one said thistle, well they should get rid of them they hurt. Call the puppy police to cut them down.
The big black dog runs free, when can I? Hope its soon.
I like going walkies, well must run, lots of ground to cover....arghh.... they just strangled me again, I hate this puppy cord thing

Tuesday, 17 April 2007

Puppy Trouble Again

Look at me how could this sweet puppy face get me into so much trouble? I don't mean to , trouble comes looking for me.
Take today for example, after that fantastic puppy 1st walk yesterday they said we were going again this morning, well I've been waiting since I got them up at 5:40a.m. The sun was up why can't we go then? I'm ready! But they look at me all bleary eyed and make me wait, so I went into the garden to play.
There I was all keyed up and raring to go, I roared around the garden suddenly something caught my sensitive puppy nose, I went over to the dirt at the side of the grass area. They said it used to be called a flower bed, that's stupid there's no flowers there now. Oh Yes there were some when I arrived, oh they must have died!
Anyway I got this whiff of something strange I poked my little puppy nose inside, the dirt smelt funny, I dug and dug, yes, they buried treasure for me to find. I pulled out a round purple color ball shape thing, oh it was fun it rolled around the garden. Didn't taste too nice when I tried to chew it, left it aside, it wouldn't roll anymore. Wonder if there's any more I thought?
Success, I dug again and again I found 3 more. Wow, such fun, I took one into the kitchen I thought they would be pleased with their clever little puppy.
Oh dear, should have kept my game to myself, they didn't look too happy, something about being bulbs given at Christmas (What's a Christmas?) But if someone gave them something they said was special why did they bury it in the garden, that doesn't make sense!
They came to look at the garden, oh dear things went from bad to badder, they didn't like my hole, I thought it was great. They weren't too keen on my dirty puppy nose, face and paws either. Oh Man do I have to go through life staying clean, that's not going to be much fun, is it?
I sat and watched as they refilled the hole, I just couldn't help myself they went indoors, I had to sniff just once more, just one little sniff, yes I knew it there was one more bulby thing, I got it. I'll hide this one for later, they won't know.
I trotted into the house, I heard them saying if I have all this energy maybe we should go out.........yipee...........we are going walkies......... will tell you all about my walk tomorrow.........Bye.............

Monday, 16 April 2007

Puppies 1st Walk

"Free at Last, Free at Last, I'm a Free Puppy at Last!"

Yes today was the best day of my puppy life, they let me out. We went for a walk. Hurrah!
Boy isn't it tiring.
They said I could go out and we climbed into the car, I thought Oh No, not the puppy vet man again, but no I went into the back of the car, where the big black dog sits. Not very comfortable and every time they go round a corner I slide over. I found I could climb over the back through the side where some belts are, that seat is far more suited for me but no, they kept putting me in the back. How dare they! I know where I should be sitting, up front, that's where important puppies belong.
But we didn't go to the vet man and suddenly we arrived at this place with lots of trees and grass, it looked like puppy heaven.
However some of my hopes were dashed they opened the back door but wouldn't let me jump out, I had to be tied up with this rope thing and they held the other end, when I tried to run they yanked at my neck, are they trying to strangle me? The big black dog doesn't have one of these why should I?
All my life they keep saying "When you are bigger".... well I am....
So we walked along this track place, I wasn't allowed to run where I wanted, so much I wanted to sniff at but they kept saying "Don't touch that.."
How long does it take for a puppy to grow up, I get so far but always they stop me doing what I want to do.
I was a little tired and had a few stops along the way, I liked it when the big black dog would come over with a stick, so I tried to take it. But I'm not allowed to run with her yet. When?
It was all very interesting, so many things to sniff at, big poop and tiny little round ball poop's, what makes that?
Its all very scary for a little puppy like me, I heard this enormous noise I ran to my new Mum, she said it was a train, oh yes that made me feel much better knowing that. What the hell is a train? Do they eat puppies?
Then I didn't want to leave but they put me back in the car and went home again, what's the point of that? When do we come again, I want to go walkies, NOW
But then we got home I looked at my blanket and suddenly my little puppy legs felt very heavy, I couldn't resist lying down for just a minute you understand, it seemed to make my family very happy that I had a nice long snooze..............Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Saturday, 14 April 2007

Puppy checking in

Hi SuperPuppy here!
Just thought I had to check in with you all today to apologise that I cannot put a posting on tonight.
Such a busy day and I am so whacked, will tell you my puppy tails tomorrow, please return.
See you then

Friday, 13 April 2007

Puppies in Trouble

Oh dear, today I am the 'worstest' puppy in the whole wide world! I'm trying to stay in the corner and out of every one's way, I've been so so bad, will they ever love me again?
I'll tell you about my day and then you can understand why I am the 'baddest' puppy around.
Now it started early this morning, after breakfast I heard my family upstairs, they have this strange water room, they stand behind a curtain making lots of weird noises. I don't go in there, I usually get water splashed on me, don't like that! So bored I wandered off downstairs, I'm not usually allowed in the hall but today I had some freedom, anyway, under the stairs they keep a lot of boxes. I pushed them around a little bit, well a couple fell open and some papers fell out. I didn't really chew on them for more than a minute or so, because behind the boxes I saw this wire sticking out. What's that I thought and tried to grab it, it wriggled, the more I pulled the longer it got, the longer it got, the more it wriggled. What fun, I managed to kill it! There it was in 3 or 4 pieces, curled, lying in a tangled mess, all wet with slobber. I felt proud to have got rid of it. Now I was tired so I took a nap.
The family came downstairs and saw the boxes, boy were they mad. I couldn't understand why, most of the time they put paper in a machine that chews it up what's the difference I did it for them! So I used the cute puppy face, didn't work, I laid low in the kitchen. They never thanked me for killing the wire!
The boxes were returned and they went to the funny television that doesn't show exciting programmes, only words. I heard some rude words, something about, dam.....internet down again. Its not down its always on the table, I do down!
Then they picked up the telephone, well safe there, haven't had that today, thought I was in a bit of trouble then. Ooops thats not working either, they are not happy campers today, I'm going to play outside.
I'm right in the middle of pooping, when I hear my name being screamed, usually I get lots of praise for pooping, whats wrong?
Standing at the back door they are holding the wire I fought so well earlier, wow, I thought here comes my treat for killing the beast.
No, I was sent to the kitchen to my bed, as I passed the hall I saw all the boxes out again, I didn't do that this time, don't blame me. But they kept waving that stupid wire at me, seems like they are not pleased it came out of the wall! Oh dear got it wrong again!
Much much later a man called round and he put the wire back in the wall, I didn't like him very much, he had this case full of bits and pieces, would he let me play with anything, no. Meany!
When he left my family gave him lots of bits of paper, why is this paper thing so important to humans, that and those silly little plastic cards that they won't let me play with either. Don't like plastic anyway, hurts when you poop!
They sat me down in the kitchen and started to talk about not playing under the stairs, la la la la, not to touch the wires la la la la, being a good little puppy la la la la, I just gave them my cute puppy face and licked their noses. They thought it meant I understood everything, Okay so maybe I won't kill that wire again, but there is this black wire outside, comes down from a round black bowl shape thing up on the wall and goes into the house where the tv is, through one of the bricks, perhaps I should go and check it out.......................

Thursday, 12 April 2007

Puppy Fun & Games

I'm having a ball.
Puppy life here is great, I've got my new family all trained now and I'm doing my bit to keep them fit.
They seem to love running round after me, they laugh a lot!
I've learnt lots of new puppy tricks, when I'm bored and want to play, all I have to do is chew on the furniture, they soon throw toys at me.....playtime!
If I want to play in the garden, then I just collect something that means a lot to them, example they leave these tv box things on the couch. Perfect puppy mouth size, I just pick one up, take it outside and oh we have such fun running round the garden. Sometimes my teeth touch a button and it makes the tv picture change, oh I am so powerful. Superpuppy!
One of my favourite games is when they choose to have supper on a tray in front of the tv, I always wake at the thought of food. And so the game begins, first I ask to go outside, they put the tray down, just as they reach the door I dash back very fast to the plate, screams abound as we see who can reach the food first! I have won sometimes.
Then as they try to eat I decide its time for a little bonding and like to jump onto their laps, oops so sorry didn't see the food tray there.....if I'm lucky a little morsel may slip my way.
Oh we puppies are very sneaky!
Another trick while they eat is to start playing with a ball, of course let it roll under the tv unit, they always jump up for that, something about wires and again have to put the tray down. ha ha.
Mostly they eat at the table, Why?
Whenever they are in the kitchen I always join them, I have what they call 'Puppies Eyes', don't know what it means but if I sit quietly and watch them cooking I usually get a reward.
But running is my favourite game, I don't understand why we have things that are for outside and some for inside and why can you not take the inside things outside? I do, its funny make a pile outside of all the inside things, as they pick them up, just take more out there. As I say it keeps them fit and active.
Oh I love my life and my family, we have such fun, Why are they tired now? I'm not. Oh what's that, think they call it a phone, P*L*A*Y*T*I*M*E...........Run...........

Wednesday, 11 April 2007

Puppies 2nd vet trip

Oh, it happened again will these people ever stop hurting me, I'm only a little puppy I don't deserve this treatment.
Yesterday I was wishing and wishing they would take me out of here, today I thought I had got my wish, they put me in the car, yippee I thought. All those puppy dreams were coming true, I saw other dogs out and about and smelt the green grass of the park as we drove past.
But no, horror of horrors again they took me to that place of torture. This time I saw Mrs Vet, I thought she looked nicer perhaps she won't hurt me, huh, how wrong was I. Does life consist of sharp nasty needles always being pushed into puppies, if it is I don't want to grow up. I haven't seen the big black dog have even one of them and now I've has two. Why, I ask?
Then they had the nerve to say that soon I could go out for a walkies, what does that mean, I want to go runnies! On the way home I was hoping they would stop the car but no, soon, didn't mean today. When does soon mean? Tomorrow? Don't say I have to wait longer than that, I need to run, now.
So we came home and here I stay again, right watch out everybody I need to run, I do my speedy circuit of the house and garden, it seems to make them laugh.
Oh goody here comes my special treat after the vets, yummy, but I am not going again, EVER.
Tired now, want to dream of big green fields, Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Tuesday, 10 April 2007

Puppy - 10 weeks old

Please, please help me. This is an appeal to all puppy lovers out there, I'm under house arrest and this time I don't know what I have done to deserve it.
I'm a big puppy now - 10 weeks old.
When I left my Mummy she told me stories of the big wide world and what have I seen? Nothing!
Just these same walls, the same fence panels, doors open and slam shut in my face. I hear people out there, when is it my turn?
I am a healthy living breathing puppy yearning to break free.
You would think they would be tired of my hectic races I hold with myself, to see how fast I can get from the back of the garden to the kitchen in the front of the house. Boy am I fast! Sometimes I collide with something, or somebody, or that black dog, doesn't hurt for long though, I'm tough!! So let me free, please. I need to run.
I want to start a campaign 'Freedom for Puppies' I've spent all of my life cooped up in here, how many of you can say that?
'I have a dream....' one day I will walk through that door.........
Oh.... just had another race with myself, maybe I'll take that walk tomorrow, I'm tired....Zzzzzzzzzz

Monday, 9 April 2007

Puppies Law

OK Human friends, I want to state that we puppies are very intelligent.
Why is it that 'Man is always innocent until proven guilty'?
But Puppies are always guilty, even before they are proven guilty!
I'm getting tired of taking the blame for everything.
Take yesterday for instance, someone in our house was given a soft cuddly stuffed Golden Retriever for Easter, now this puppy had the nerve to sit on the couch, am I allowed up there, no I am not!
Well I don't really know how this puppy got into the garden, (might do?) but if he wanted to play who was I to say no to a game. He wasn't much of a playmate anyway, didn't even put up a fight. Weakling. Next thing I heard was a shriek from an upstairs window, people came flying out into the garden to 'rescue' this animal, so he looked a little grubby, he was in the flower bed what did he expect going in there!
Then guess what, he gets better treatment than I do, its"oh poor thing, look at you, you're so dirty, come here I'll clean you up, did the nasty little puppy get you?"
Give me a break, I'll get him I was here first!
Take him to the vets!
So they bathe him and lay him in the sun to dry (unfortunately out of my reach) and then they come looking for me.
I sit there with my 'Oh I'm so cute look' and do they give me the benefit of the doubt, No. Guilty with no trial. I'm not the only dog here, could have been the big black one, you know the type sits back with that look on their face, 'The younger generation today, I wouldn't have done anything like that, I behaved myself'
So I wandered through the house I've learnt how to behave, you just lower your head and they feel sorry for you, always works: "oh come here, just don't do it again okay" they pat my head and everything is back to normal, except I forgot to go back outside and got taken short as I passed the hall rug, oops. Run!.............................

Sunday, 8 April 2007

Easter Pup

Hello everyone,
So sorry I do not have time to post today I am soooooo full of chocolate eggs, my puppy egg and oops got into trouble when I tried to steal a big one, got caught though before I ate the silver paper!!
See you tomorrow for more of my exciting adventures.

Saturday, 7 April 2007

Puppies Rule - I WON!

I told you I wasn't going to sleep downstairs in that horrible kitchen, it took a few nights but in the end I won the battle. Puppies unite - all you have to do is to keep up the crying, on and off throughout each night and in the end the 'suckers' give in.
I'm up in the bedroom now, nice soft carpet, decent curtains, hold back that stupid early sunlight. But they still expect me to do my puppy puddles on newspaper oh no, but how easy it is to wake them up now just try to jump on the bed and lick their faces, take me outside and then we can return upstairs.
Oh yes I'm here to stay now, got you.
And the bedroom has so many extra things I can chew on in the night if I get bored, they have started to put their slippers up on a chair, ha ha, I can almost reach them, as soon as I grow a little bit more I will get them down.
And fancy hanging dressing gowns on the back of the door, they dangle right by my nose and puppy teeth, I didn't know loose cotton would come flying out of a hem.
Oops I found a telephone wire in the corner last night, wonder if they know yet?
It does help to get my breakfast earlier, as soon as I feel hungry I just ask to go outside, no one wants a puppy puddle upstairs and they rush me down. Hey Presto works like a charm.
Yes this house and family will suit me quite fine, I've worked them out already. One knows that I can manage the stairs on my own, so I have to climb up and down, well thank you very much for the exercise, but the other one still thinks I'm a little puppy and she carries me like a baby, works for me!
They have this stairgate to stop me going into the hall and upstairs during the day, well I can reach the top already, soon work out how to climb over that. My days are so busy, so many obstacles that I have to work a way round and the funniest thing is that I am winning on most of them.
And when I'm tired I sleep when ever I want and where ever I want, they never stop me sleeping. I really am a super powerful puppy. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Friday, 6 April 2007

Puppy vet trip

I want to appeal to all of you puppy lovers out there, do you agree with me that I look so cool, butter wouldn't melt in my mouth!
Well I need to report my new owners to the Puppy Police for cruelty to Golden Retrievers. Let me explain, first okay maybe I got one or two things today that I shouldn't have.
Why put socks on a radiator if they are not there to play with, that's not my fault.
Why leave a sandwich on the coffee table right at my nose level, that's not my fault.
They put the TV guide in the magazine rack, easy pickings, that's not my fault.
When I ask to go outside because its URGENT and they don't open the door in time, oops watered the door mat, that's not my fault.
So I cried again at bedtime, I said I'm not sleeping downstairs get the message, that's not my fault either.
So how come all these things happened for which in my defence I am not to blame for, did I deserve the treatment I got.
Cruel they are.
They tricked me and took me for a car ride, letting me sit on a nice warm lap as we rode along, I looked out of the window thought oh where are we going?
We then entered this puppy building place, there were other dogs there, they had to sit on the floor. I was carried in and cuddled. All these nice ladies there thought I was so cute (told you). They stroked me and made a huge fuss of me, I liked it there AT FIRST.
A man opened another door called me in, he seemed okay at first, I sat on a table. The place smelt a bit funny, suddenly I wasn't so sure I should be there. This man Mr. Vet started to prod me, didn't like that. Cold hands on my tummy, Who does he think he is to poke in my ears and all sorts of places he shouldn't go. Then horror of all horrors he stuck this enormous sharp needle in me, "This won't hurt" he said. Wish I could stick it in him. IT HURT.
Puppy Police, Puppy Police.
Report my new owners, I thought they loved me and were going to look after me for ever and ever, I want to go home to my Mummy.
They took me back to my new home, I looked at them to ask why hurt me, then they cuddled me and when we got indoors they gave me a nice treat, yummy
Perhaps I'll stay after all, please don't call the Puppy Police I changed my mind.

Thursday, 5 April 2007

Puppy Life

Okay so I've been here for 24 hours now and I think for a new puppy I'm training these people quite well.
Although they made me sleep downstairs last night, that's not going to last for very long!
I screamed early this morning and yes they came down and made my breakfast, well I was hungry.
All day I kept them on their toes, they had to play with me, I loved the morning time when they had these night clothes on with bare legs and slippers, boy was that fun to see them dance as I licked and puppy nipped at their bare skin and slippers wow, fur and laces, must be my birthday.
I've sorted out the big black dog, she runs away now, I can't help it I'm a puppy I'm teething!!
The garden is kinda fun, nice green grass, down by the gate smells good so I dug a hole. Now I know what my paws were designed for.
On the side of the grass are these colorful things, I don't know what they are but when I bite one of those colored leaf things the people come running, very amusing, after I try that 6/7 times they don't seem to like the game anymore.
So I play my other game, puppy pooping. I poop and watch as they run to pick it up, why would they want to collect that anyway, the funniest thing to do is poop, they collect, pack it up, turn round, so I do some more, ha ha. Its their fault they said I was a good girl to poop! Even I am impressed by how much I can produce out of my tiny body. Warning to other puppies out there don't eat the green grass stuff it all comes back out again and thats not fun!
There's just so much in the house I can play with and its amazing how many things they want to join in the fun with. They love to chase me.
Magazines, cushions, carpets, shoes, getting through the stairgate (favorite game), lots of wires but that makes them angry, what does dangerous mean?
So many adventures I'll tell you more tomorrow, tired now time for a nap Zzzzzzzzzzz

Wednesday, 4 April 2007

Puppies first night

Oh Hi you're back. Want to hear more of my first new puppy day here?
Well it hasn't been too bad, they gave me some nice puppy food, some toys and played with me.
This big black dog doesn't seem to want to know me that much, everytime I want to play she tells me off, but I'm used to biting and chewing on doggies ears and tails, why doesn't she like it?
I've been a little tired tonight but I can't sleep they have this exciting box in the corner of the room, full of colors and music, so much going on I can't keep up with it, how do I sleep with that noise going on?
It's bedtime and they put me in the kitchen, where all those scary machines are, the one that rolls round and round and dibbles water when they open the door, plus the big box, whoa...when they opened that door, the hot air flew in my face, I sniffed again, it was too hot for me. Another box is quite nice but when they open that door I'm not allowed to sniff in there, I smelt meat, check that out tomorrow!
So they gave me this tatty old cardboard box for a bed, who do they think I am? I'm not sleeping here. Then insult they turned off the light, its dark and my new friend is so black I can't even see her in the dark.
Well this won't do...Howl...........................
Ah.. Footsteps I won, I try to squeeze through the door, they caught me.
What do you mean a cuddle then settle down, on my own, I don't think so.
They go
I Howl
They come back, they go
I Howl
But they let me cry for a while and I got tired I didn't mean to, this black dog is not my Mummy.
I want my Mummy..........Howl..............
Footsteps, I won, they said its 2a.m. so what does that mean, told me to puddle outside. Hey its cold out there.
They left again.
I tried to cry again.......nothing........they don't love me anymore........ tried again
I want my mummy..............Howl.........
Worked, I won again, they said 5:30, whats that, we did the same thing and they still left me, I'm going to get these people tomorrow, you can't treat puppies like this, I shall complain to the Puppy Police and I will do all in my power to make them behave better towards me. I've seen their bedrooms, they have soft carpets, no machines up there that hum loudly all night. I will sleep up there just you wait and see! But first I'm tired from being up all night I'll just have a little nap before breakfast comes. Zzzzzzzzzzzz

Tuesday, 3 April 2007

Puppy - 8 weeks old

Oh dear I feel such a lonely puppy, my day started well, I was so happy playing with Mummy but there was only 3 of us puppies left now. I thought I had won , I thought I could stay with Mummy forever, then she told me the bad news. Today I was going to my new home, what does it mean? I'm a scared puppy.
Some people came and picked me up, they seemed quite nice, I chewed on one of their fingers, didn't work they still liked me. So I gave a big wet slobbery lick, that didn't work either, they still liked me.
Mummy gave me a kiss and said goodbye, then then they held me close and put me in this big metal monster thing with wheels, it made a funny noise and suddenly we were going very fast. I looked out of the window, it was like a window at home but the fields were going past us so so fast! What is this adventure I am going on, where are we going?
Soon we stopped, they carried me into this house, it wasn't my house and took me into this garden. Then I am plonked down on the grass and everybody is watching me, why. Oh I need to puddle, they laughed at me then clapped. Oh does doing a puddle please these people, I can do lots of those!!
At this house there is a big black animal, looks a bit like Mummy, but it is not my Mummy, still she seems to want to play with me, well she keeps sniffing me. I'll sort her out later.
These people want to play, there are toys, ok I'll play along for now.
Hmmmm a bowl of food, wouldn't hurt if I eat just a little would it.
Nice soft blanket in a bed should I sleep here for a minute, couldn't hurt.
But I still miss my Mummy.
Oh have to puddle again, oh those toys are still there, oh these people want to play with me.
This house could be quite nice, at least when I get them into shape, oh hi black dog, yes I'll play.
No time to talk further now, things to do,
See you tomorrow

Monday, 2 April 2007

Puppies start to leave home

What is going on?
Some of my puppy brothers and sisters have disappeared, I know one of them was a big bully but I didn't really want him to be taken away, he wasn't that much of a naughty puppy. Mind you I get to sleep much easier now and don't have my ears bitten off anymore - ohhh I miss him.
Mummy says we will be going to new homes, where people love puppies very much, but this is my home and I will miss my Mummy. Why do I have to be sent away, I'm good, I am, really.
More playing today, there's more room for running about. I'm getting quite fast, so if 'they' come for me I am going to practice running and then they won't be able to catch me and I can stay with Mummy.
Oh No there's goes my favorite sister, she was cute. Right I'm not going to be cute, then no-one will want me. Got it!

Sunday, 1 April 2007

Puppies at 6 weeks old

Wow I am now a 6 week old puppy, everybody keeps telling me how big I am. So how come everybody else is a giant?
Today we had lots and lots of visitors, all sorts of people kept picking us up and laughing at us, I just chewed their fingers, that will show them!
They keep pointing this black box thing at us, something about 'foto', whatever that means, if it keeps them happy, ok
Life is lovely, I love my Mummy, she licks and kisses us. I love my brothers and sisters but one or two of them are a bit rough for me. One brother he keeps biting my tail. If I bite him back he gets my ear, bully, not going to play with him anymore.
All this playing makes me very sleepy, start again tomorrow Zzzzzzzzzzzz