Friday, 31 August 2007
Puppies Blog Dedication

Thursday, 30 August 2007
Puppy 'Drop Out'
Wednesday, 29 August 2007
Super Puppy v. CAT!!!

Sunday, 26 August 2007
Strong Puppy
Saturday, 25 August 2007
Puppy Paws
Hi everybody,
Super Puppy here, fit, healthy and raring to go again. Yes I have bounced back from my death bed!
Had a great morning puppy walk, ran and ran until my little, no long, legs were tired. Saw a couple of rabbits but decided no, today they can live.
The family are being a little strict with me and keep shouting NO! I try to ignore them. What can you do, if you have managed to sneak a piece of toast at breakfast time, there is no NO big enough to make me drop it, I can tell you. I love to run to the garden and eat in peace and quiet. I always beat them, by the time they catch up with me the toast has gone, ha ha.
When we arrived back after our walk I wanted to check out the new area of our house, some men, called painters (what's a painter?) have delivered lots and lots of interesting things. I can't wait to see what these men are going to do. I spent some time sniffing and checking out some new sheets these men have brought. Are they going to sleep on the job? Not with me around they are not!
I got bored in there and wandered back to the kitchen, my mom was unpacking lots of shopping she didn't hear me coming and I made her jump. Oops she dropped a large bag of stuff, I think they are on drugs, I hear about this white powder on the TV. It went all over the floor, wow what a mess. Of course I got the blame and they shouted at me to get out, so I ran to the garden, again. As I ran I left these super little white footprints, I thought it looked neat, so I ran around the hall a little more. I tried licking them, yucky. Who would cook with food that tastes like that?
I stayed in the garden for a while, let them wash the floor clean, then put on my 'I'm so sorry face' it worked.
Never forget fellow puppies, you can do anything you want to but always follow it up with the special forgive me face. See you tomorrow..............
Thursday, 23 August 2007
Sick Puppy AGAIN!
Tuesday, 21 August 2007
Tummy Ache Pup
Sunday, 19 August 2007
Ouch these 'straw polls' hurt!
Friday, 17 August 2007
Happy Puppy

As I feel so happy today I thought I would let you see a picture of me with the Big Black Dog. You can see how I've taught her to know her place, couple of steps behind me!
I have had such a great day and for once they are praising me, Wow.
This morning we went out for our usual puppy walk and oh my golly gosh they took a bag of dog treats.
There was this lady coming with some little dog, you know one of those really small ones that you can utterly dominate. I was a little muddy too by then, not that it bothered me one bit. I started to run, as I took my first leap, I heard the rustle of a bag and the word, treats. Not being one to ever turn down food I went back for a bite. Very nice. The lady was walking past but somehow just by looking at the other dog, treats kept coming my way. Oh this will do quite nicely, thank you.
Only problem was I then realised what I had done, they called me a very good girl. But hang on a minute I've just lost a game.
So what do I do the next time we meet a doggie play pal, do I play and get told off or do I forfeit the game for food and a pat on the head.
Oh the problems of life, I'm too little to work that out!
I overheard more good news when we got home, the builders are leaving next week, but I also heard new men are coming. Oh goody new men to train, wonder what work they will do?
I have a problem in my garden, how do you undig a hole?
I've dug this big hole you see, no one seems to have noticed or they have just given up on me! But when I run round the garden I now keep falling in this hole and it hurts, so how do I undig?
Well I think its time to go on a cat hunt, if he really has to insist on crossing my garden this regularly then I am certain he does so purely to have a game and if he wants a game, who am I to say no.
Bye for now, remember puppies rule.........
Thursday, 16 August 2007
Puppy still Naughty!

Wednesday, 15 August 2007
'Trouble' Puppy
Tuesday, 14 August 2007
Summer time Puppy
At last the sun came out, I love the summertime. Lazy Puppy naps in the garden.
Last week I went to puppy training school again, I know I always say it but what a waste of time and energy. I could be doing so many important things, like digging holes, or chasing the cat.
The keyword was 'Leave'......when I heard that I thought yeah, we can go home now. But No the word has two meanings. Stupid school!
It was all so silly, my teacher put puppy play toys in front of me and then told me not to play with them, how dumb can you get?
At the end of the lesson she even had the nerve to use treats...put them on the floor just beyond my nose! But I don't get it? Because what she really meant to say was 'wait for a minute', she said leave, I waited, then I was allowed to eat it. Work that out?
When I got home I saw the builders truck and I thought 'Leave', wish they would. Living with all this noise is driving me mad, I can hardly sleep in the daytime!
As you saw from my pictures yesterday I am now an expert swimmer, I can jump straight into the river. Super fun, biggest water puddle I have ever seen.
Over the last week I have got into such a lot of trouble for now destroying all my play toys, I always did chew everything but suddenly I've realised I can totally tear them apart. And now this new habit has become so addictive I've started destroying everything I can get my teeth into, far more than I ever did as a puppy. It's fun!
Well for today I must run I hear the call of the cookie jar, someone's in the kitchen, gotta go, bye for now...........
Monday, 13 August 2007
Swimming Puppy

Tuesday, 7 August 2007
Happy Puppy
Monday, 6 August 2007
Calling all Puppies - Never give up your ball!
Hi Everybody Super Puppy here,
As this picture shows thought I would make the Big Black Dog play and what did she do, she stole my ball or rather she thought she could. No way do I ever let a ball go.
I got it back!
That's why I'm called Super Puppy.
I am a little muddy, this morning we went to a new place for my puppy walk and boy was it muddy, it was fantastic but I got into trouble because I always like to lie down in it. Makes the car nice and 'iffy' as they say.
I couldn't post this weekend I'm sorry, we were all sent away. We didn't have any water at home, no baths, Yippee. But then no drinking water either.
I blame the builders I think they dug through the pipes deliberately just to stop work. They keep upsetting my routine. I come home, I go away, I come back, sent off again. I hope we are back now.
We had a hot weekend and I went swimming in a lake (fancy name for large water hole), I can't understand it, when I swim in water holes they shout at me but at this lake they threw toys in for us to play with, they don't know what they want!
More trouble for me today, this morning I ate my first pair of sunglasses, strange things that people put on their faces but quite chewy I must say, looking forward to attacking another pair. I find it strange now I am older that some crimes are worth committing, I think I have got used to the 'odd' telling off. I just let the adults have a good moan, I sit at give them the 'Oh I won't do it again face'. But some things are just too much fun to never do again and I can put up with the telling off.
Here's a tip for any puppies reading this, if you get told off, when they are finished just start something like trying to catch your tail. If you can look stupid they laugh, see problem solved.
Well I think today I have to run, I want to go and see if the builders need my help. Sometimes they leave out long strips of wood which are perfect for chewing and we always have such a great game they just love to chase me round the garden. One or two of them could do with a little more exercise (if you know what I mean!) Ha ha go on chase me then............
Thursday, 2 August 2007
Puppy/Dog Training Classes
Wednesday, 1 August 2007
Puppy Dog Ready to Play
Sorry I didn't post yesterday I was on my death bed!
I was really really bad, I think it was the egg sandwich I found by the builders bag. But my family thinks I am swimming in to many filthy dirty muddy (wonderful!) large puddles. They are always shouting don't drink the water, I have my suspicion it was the egg sandwich, why else was it left there. Obviously the builders wife was trying to 'murder' her husband for the insurance money!!
Yes okay I watch too much TV,
I like MTV best, not too keen on 'rap' music except little bow wow, or whatever he's called & Snoop Dog! One of my family likes the group 'Black Lab' now that's taking things too far!
However, I was a little quiet yesterday but today back to normal...........
We went on our puppy walk, they wouldn't let us go anywhere near a puddle, not much fun and stopped me eating rabbit doodles.
The rain has stopped here, now the sun's out but that makes me feel like a hot dog (oh I could just eat a hotdog!) and lazy. So now I really need a puddle to cool down in.
That cat from next door scratched my nose this morning, all I did was look through a tiny hole in the fence, nasty piece of work, one day, one day....I'll get him.
After lunch I had to go out on a second puppy training walk, now normally I wouldn't complain but this was school homework! We just went down the lane and back, all the time it was heel, heel, heel, no running round the fields for me. That's not what I call a walk.
So tonight is a school night, yucky, complete waste of time. I can't wait to discover what today's lesson is...Yawn...My family must be learning a lesson...how to throw money away! The only one good thing about school is the extra little walk just before class and I've learnt not to do a puddle too early. Once I've 'performed', walk is over. I string it out, I'm not stupid! I can learn things...See!!
Well I had better go and have a little puppy nap, restore my energy for the concentration needed tonight...Not...