Sunday, 19 August 2007

Ouch these 'straw polls' hurt!

Hi everyone,
Sorry to say I've had a terrible weekend.
Yesterday the family made me very happy, early in the morning they took me out on a very long puppy walk, super.
Never saw the catch though!
They had the nerve to leave both of us at home for the rest of the day.
To make matters worse I got into the dining room and chewed the legs of the dining chairs, oh dear.
Plus hanging in the hall with the coats I found my leash. Oh why would I chew that? Hope it doesn't stop them taking me out.
Today on my puppy walk I found the farmer has 'cut his grass', have you ever walked on dry straw, oh it does prickle!
The rain has come back again and so have the mud puddles, yippee, I love mud.
But then we get back home and they bath me, how rude!
So I have had a horrible time because they keep saying stay on your blanket until your dry!
I'm still a puppy you know, I can't sit still I have to move.
Must be awful to be old, all the Big Black Dog does is sleep, how boring a life is that?
Well I am going to see if I can escape outside, I need to take a sniff around, hopefully I will have some good news to report to you all tomorrow.
lol (lots of licks) super puppy

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