Are you still visiting me because I am not getting any better it would seem.
Yesterday I was in such trouble with the builders car, I really didn't mean to do it.
Well after dinner I thought I had been forgiven when the family picked up my puppy leash and I cried with joy, they still loved me and we were going out. My favorite time.
I ran to the car and got in the right one!
Then to my horror discovered we were going to puppy training school, no I thought not that punishment again.
Problem was for the first time my teacher was very displeased with me.
I can't do anything right.
Sometimes we have a lesson indoors and sometimes out in the field. Last night we did recall again, but out on a make believe walk. I know the difference.
They used this very very long leash, in order to pretend I was free, I wasn't.
I got into trouble because I kept jumping up at my teacher, my family knows I do that on a walk with people. I also scratched her stomach, I do that too. I'm bad.
Then along the edge of the field came a strange dog, just happened to be out on a walk, nothing to do with school. Of course I had to run over to say hello, wouldn't you?
But I honestly did not hear them call me once. They must have been calling my name very quietly. In time I felt that long leash shorten up and I had to return to my teacher, oops she was not pleased with me at all.
So my family and I went home, I heard them all talking about me. What will my punishment be I wondered as I went to my puppy bed, very unhappy.
Yeah I got up this morning everyone seems very happy, after breakfast we went out on our usual puppy walk and guess what happened. I get extra treats.....Yep... after all that playing up and trouble last night, it seems they want to control me by using more treats.
Hey I recommended puppy training school and my wonderful teacher to any dog around.
So I'm not stupid, the more I play up, the more treats I'm going to get. Is there a catch here?
They kept calling me over and in their hand were treats, I eat one, I run off again. I like this!
Life just can't get any better....
1 comment:
Hi Buffy! I am your friend. I don't understand why they can't see that you are just being a great dog, all jumping around and being friendly. If they wanted someone to be perfect, and dull, they should have gotten a turtle. Have you ever seen one of those? Slow! Cute, but slow.
What would they say if the Turtle jumped up on them and scratched them on the stomach? "Oh, look at the cute, slow turtle." Right?
I have heard that people went to school once, too, for a long time, but, they obviously didn't learn anything about dogs, so what good is school at all, for people OR dogs?
Now the part about the treats...you're right! That's a great idea. I don't always go to my Mom when she calls, but she has been known to carry cookies in her pocket, so I can't be too cavalier about not checking in with her when she calls me. Ha! Cavalier. I made a dog, spaniel joke, sort of.
I do have to say, off the subject, but not too far off, can't they see that you are a big beautiful dog now, and just bask in your beauty, and not be trying to make you do obedience?
Oh. And the builder guy deserved muddy footprints on his seat for breaking the pipe! Ha!
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