Wednesday, 18 July 2007

Puppy prisoner

Help - Help
Puppy behind bars - Convicted for a crime I haven't yet committed!
Okay - so they caught me going upstairs and I'm not allowed up there on my own, but why do they need the evidence?
Well Super Puppy is back everybody, isn't it nice to be home.
I notice though, we came back in time for me to go to puppy school tonight! Waste of time, but don't tell anyone because I get an extra walk on the way. They think I will 'perform' before the class starts but last week, oops puppy puddle in the middle of the lesson. Ha Ha.
I want to learn super special tricks: like jumping through hoops of fire or walking a tightrope over the Grand Canyon or riding bareback or ......sounds like I want to join the circus, do I have to run away for that?
But at school what do we do, boring things like last week SIT - STAY gimme me a break! Any puppy learns how to do that from the first day in your new home, especially when the dog biscuits come out. I can't wait for tonight's lesson......Yawn......
I've learnt so many things that puppy school will never teach you, like when hot food falls off the baking tray straight from the oven. You just have to keep picking it up, ouch its hot drop it, try to chew again, ouch its hot drop it, lick it over, ouch its hot drop it, I always find after a few attempts you can eat it...just. I always say, if its on the floor you're not getting it back!
School doesn't teach patience, its like the stair gate. You know every time they come downstairs they close the gate but you also know that humans are stupid, they're human, they make mistakes, this puppy is smart! The one time they leave the gate open I'm up there - except last time they took that ridiculous photo!
Guess what else I did that was extra puppy smart, on a walk last week I broke that stupid puppy extending lead - and how much longer do I have to keep saying puppy. Yesterday I was 6 months old!
I wanted half a cake and half a candle, what did I get: half of nothing!
Well I'd better go and do my homework.............Yeah Right..........I'll see if that cat's around to chase......
I'll see you tomorrow but before I go I would like to say hi to my best friend Deuce. He has a great blog (the second best one I know) (Guess which one is first?)
Please check him out at okay so I know its says blackdog but believe me he is nothing like the big black dog that lives here, hmmm, wonder if he would swap places. Be nice to have someone here I could actually play with. Sorry BBD I love you really.

1 comment:

Leslie Hawes said...

Hey, Buffy! Had so much fun they put you behind bars, huh? :)
I think the half a cake and candle thing is a great idea! My Dad says he thinks my birthday must be August the thirty one-th. I will mention to them that a whole cake and candle will be in order. Thanks for the heads up.
I bet if all three of us... you , me and the BBD got together, we could make the BBD play...we are irresistable, aren't we?
So glad you're back. I know you can't see me doing it, but I am wagging my tail in a great big roundy-round way I do it. And I'm smiling.
sit, stay hahahaha