Helllloooooooo everyone,
Don't you think I look good, and if you agree with me then why do I still need puppy training?
On and on they go, mind you I like the praise when they give me treats. I soon got the hang of that one, sit or stay, easy, do that and they give you a treat. Yeah! Simple.
It's puppies like me that keep people reading those stupid books about training dogs! If we dogs of the world unite, we could eat all the training manuals and then rule the world.
First rule: No cats. I'm trying hard to catch that cat next door, but it's still winter and it's too cold for pussy cats to come outside. Oh poor thing!!! I'll get him.
Had a great weekend, nice and smelly muddy puddles to play in, but they gave me a bath, Hate that! All those smelly soapy things. YUK!
Sunday morning in trouble again, ate the doormat, well they stayed in bed later than usual and I got bored, so you can't blame me!
Well the sun is shining and it's time I did a tour of the grounds, I used to say garden, but there's not much of the garden left!! Oops ate it!
See you later. Puppies rule.